Truth number 1

209 6 1

Mr.ceeepypasta: We got a truth from VioletKaden.

Creepsmcpasta: its to Ben

Creepypastajr.: She wants to know if you have been fallen in love with someone/something.

Ben: I have fallen in love with someone

Everyone: WHO IS IT

Ben: Damn calm down I'll tell you its...... Sally


Ben: Sally will you go on a date with me

Sally: O/////yes/////O

Ben:*gets up and hugs Sally*

Sally:*hugs back*>//////<

Everyone: Awwwww

One month later

Ben: Sally get back here with my hat right now

Sally: no you'll have to catch me for it

Ben:*grabs Sally and pulls her into a hug* now will you give my hat back

Sally: nope

Ben: I'll kiss you if you don't give it back

Sally:fine * turns and kiss Ben *

Ben: *kiss back*

Sally: here

Ben: thanks

Sally: o////////o

Ben: o////////////o

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