Narrators Day Off

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Mr.creepypasta: It was a bright sunny day yesterday wasn't it creepsmcpasta

Creepsmcpasta:yeah to bad its raining today

Creepypastajr.:No ones doing anything today we should go do something don't you guys think we should--

MissShadowLovely:I like it when it rains it reminds me how gloomy people can be on a day like this cause everything goes drip drop drip drop all day until the clouds clear up and---

Creepsmcpasta: Yeah yeah yeah we've heard enough of your mouth for one day.

Creepy rainbow pasta: Hey Shadow (short for MissShadowLovely)

MissShadowLovely: What

Creepy rainbow pasta: you know what I love about a rainy day

MissShadowLovely: What

Creepy rainbow pasta: I love how after the rain stops you can see a rainbow with bright colors but you know I wish for

MissShadowLovely: what

Creepy rainbow pasta: I wish for it to turn a dark Dark DArk DARk DARK color hahahahahaha

Mr.creepypasta: ok ....yeah...... how about we and see all our friends




Creepy rainbow pasta:.......

Mr.creepypasta: you know Slender man

MissShadowLovely:nah he's no fun

Creepsmcpasta:yeah I agree he never let's you have fun

Creepypastajr.:he's very quiet

Creepy rainbow pasta: he's always busy

Mr.creepypasta: what if his brothers are there will you guys go

All together: yeah

Mr.creepypasta: then its settled let's go

So the narrators took a day off and had fun for a day they found out that slendermans brothers were there and they ended up having a party then got yelled at by slender man for standing on his couches. And that's how there day went

Creepypastajr.: there it goes you know what who's narrating we have a day off don't we. Oh well

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