Question number 3 and Dare number 5

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Mr. Creepypasta: we got a dare and question from indianchic

Creepsmcpasta: OK what does it say

Creepypastajr.: It says for the question if any of you would like to adopt me im a demon it says

Mr.creepypasta: the dare says *shocked*

Creepsmcpasta: what .........

Creepypastajr.: *shocked*..... It says that everyone has to kiss offender if you don't then you'll get rapped by the knife


Jeff: I'm not kissing that thing I rather get rapped by the knife then kiss that thing

Offender: c'mon guys its not that bad but each of you would have to meet me in my room for the kiss except Jeff cause he wants to get rapped by a knife. Hahahahahahahaha*keeps laughing like a manic*

Sally:Ewwwww god why does this have to be such a hard decision I'm still a virgin and I only kiss Ben so this is hard

Ben:I know huh

Slender:" I will adopt you child but we're going over this kissing offendy thing once you get here/ I'll go get you one of those I'm on my way." * walks over to offendy* "Brother don't think I'll always do this forgive me you guys but we got to go on with the dare not unless you wanna get rapped by a knife." * kisses offendy and breaks it quickly * you guys go on with the dare that goes for you to Ally."

Ally: aww but slendy

Everyone: * lined up in a line*

Offendy: OK let's start he said

And that day everyone got a kiss from offendy except Jeff and slender came back with our new creepypasta/proxy. After Jeff got done getting raped he couldn't sit down until about one or two weeks. And everyone kept on with there day of course Sally was the last one that had to kiss offendy she's been running from him all day but he got tired over chasing her and teleported in front of her and kneeled down and gave Sally a big long and pastionate kiss she stay red all day long. We all laughed at her but Ben felt sorry for her.

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