Chapter 14

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I'm so sorry for putting you guys on a cliffhanger . Better late then never am I right or am I right??? My goal is to get to 50 followers by the end of the year so PLEASE follow I do follow back but if you don't that's cool too, I'm not forcing anyone. I DON'T OWN THE MUSIC! OR MIRACULOUS! OR ANYTHING FOR THAT MATTER! :( So here is the next chapter enjoy.:) 

Marinette POV

(Whisper singing the song above whilst thinking of this)

I sat alone in a bright room full of gadgets and machines.  I did sign myself up for this after all but I can't help but wonder if I was doing the right thing. I have been fighting these people for the last year, they are villains, of course I had to it was my responsibility  but now that I think  about it I've always awkwardly stuck out, I'm not really normal human material let alone hero material. Just awkward clumsily Marinette. Did I really think that it would stay all happy, rainbow and fun forever. Did I REALLY think that people would like me with or without the mask, with or without my powers.

 Because the truth of the matter is with or without me. 

It doesn't matter.

The world will keep spinning.

People will keep on living.

Because the world revolves around the eyes of the beholder. 

That's the one thing I failed to realize I always put others before me and they willingly went before me they didn't care because they live in their own world that's a gain for them and a negative point for me. 

Little did I know Lila was saying the truth no one really likes me they use me Adrien probably only used me to make chloe or something jealous Alya only made friends with me to make herself look like a hero. And me? I was just stuck in the middle of it all. 


Someone walks in snapping me out of my train of thoughts. Natalie.

Natalie: Thank you 

Me: this isn't for you, Gabriel or anyone, frankly I don't care about your side of the case as long as my wish is fulfilled

I was quite surprised at how monotone my voice was, it was the first time I had spoken to a real person without my masked ditsy voice and it looked like Natalie was suprised too but she quickly regained her composure. 

Natalie: of course, now shall we get started. 

She signaled for me to lie on the long hospital looking bed. All traces of skepticism were gone I was ready to show them who I really was, I lay on the bed as she started to attach various wires onto me.

Natalie: don't worry we have done a lot of research it will only tickle a bit.

She was lying, I knew, she knew. But I feel it would be best to be quite. Then the most incredible amount of pain I had ever experience shot though my spine, ringing through my ears and head. I could hear a scream, it sounded so pained and scared I didn't realize the screeching was coming from me until I felt out of breath. 

Natalie POV (surprise I guess)

  Right after starting the machine  a terrifying screech slashed into the silence we were in. It pained me to see a child in this state but it will not be in vain. She was radiating a blood red aura, hmmm her power is strong, I would even say it wouldn't be necessary to go this far to strengthen it but I guess he sees room for more there is so much to learn from someone like him.    So Marinette will just have to get used to this until he is satisfied. I hear the door open and he walks in, I can see it in his eyes he is excited and that just warms my heart.

Gabriel: how is she

As if to respond Marinette's scream get even higher and scratcher she closes her eyes and cringes in pain.

Gabriel:perfect she hasn't died yet.

Gabriel:(whispering)  I should've introduced Lila to the plan long ago, many lives would've been spared.


Since my time of working with him this is my first time doing such an experiment on anyone!

Gabriel: (rubbing his temples) oh nothing, nothing 

Me: how long are we going to be doing this (pointing to the machines) to her

Gabriel: (snapping) until I'm ready Natalie, goodness!

Me: sorry sir

Gabriel: (sitting on a nearby chair and sighing) no, it's happening so fast we are so close to achieving our goal it's gotten me quite stressed out. (Sinks into the chair even more)

I one hand around his neck and use the other to take his glasses if and put it onto the bedside table. 

Me:it's alright, everything will soon be alright.

I hear mumbling, she's waking up I  signal to Gabriel to get out of the room and walk up to her.

Me: how are you feeling

Marinette:(numbly) tired, in pain.

Me:(blankly) you will have to get used to this if you decide you want to continue you with our deal.

She groans.

Me: You will be given basic necessities the bathroom is through that door, clothes are in that little cupboard over there and you will be provided with 3 meals a day. 

Marinette: When am I allowed to get out.

Me: you will need to stay long enough to create enough chaos and distraction and then attack.

To be honest I didn't know either but I just hoped the tone of my voice covered the hints of uncertainty. 

Marinette: hmmm sure.....

I hope you enjoyed this make sure to comment and vote if you did, I'll be updating the next chapter soon so don't worry . Have a great day, love you all. Peaceeee

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