Chapter 1 : I Love This Car

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TODAY is the second week of classes. Our last year to our high school life. Last year to enjoy and hopefully my last year to see and witness all dramas and I pray dearly to God that I will still survive this year without being bullied. I am not exactly being bullied because of my brother. I am not your cheerleader type of student not a nerd but nerd enough to get straight A’s.

Another year to survive without blowing my or our entire cover. I don’t really standout because I just learned to blend and be like the wallpaper in our hallways. Still there but not noticeable enough to stand out like a sore thumb.

“Cloud Anastasia Meredith Ronaldo would you quit staring at your stomach for the hundredth time.”  My brothers scream pulled me back to the reality.

“well good morning to you too my dear handsome brother.”

I am Cloud and the one who yelled is my twin and only brother Chase Anthony Magnus Ronaldo. Yuph! Our names are kind a weird but then again, my mom said that there are a billion people and its better to stand out (which I honestly despise) than to blend in because according to her only make up should be blended.

“hurry up you fat ass or else I will go alone.” My brother said from behind.

“ok! Ok! Jheez you are like a pregnant woman. Would it really hurt you to just be patient for a second?” Chase is the most impatient individual I have ever known. He hates waiting even just for a second.

“stop quarrelling you babies. Meredith stop staring at your stomach your being obsessed with it and Chase stop yelling would you. Your mom is still asleep. Now I wonder why me and your mother stopped making babies. The two of you are handful already.” My dad said while filling his cup with chocolates. My dad loves chocolates so much that he's obsession passed to me.

“yuck! Dad don’t mention that again. The picture in my mind creeps the hell out of me.”  Chase said while rubbing his arms with visible goosebumps.

“We’re leaving dad and pass that kiss to mom for us and tell her we love her and that we miss her very much.” My mom just arrived 3 hours ago from Paris. She's a fashion designer and she just finished her new fashion line.

I grabbed my black backpack woah that’s a tongue twister I got. By the way as I was saying I grabbed my bag and headed towards the motorcycle of my brother.

Yuph! You heard that right people. We are going top school with a motorcycle. We are above the middle-income family but I feel nauseated in a car so my parents decided to get a Harley Davidson for the both of us. I have my own motorcycle but I love riding with my brother and blackie (the name of Chases motorcycle, we love naming our belongings) because it gives me the feeling of freedom and contentment.

30 minutes later. Chase parked into our school. We are in the same year and this is the second week of classes already.

I barely removed my helmet when someone tackled me to the ground.

Mirabella one of my 2 best friends tackled me, leaving me startled and breathless.

“would you get up Mira your depriving oxygen to my whole awesome body.”

“hahahaha hello to you too Meredith.”

“ow! Come on don’t call me Meredith only my parents can call me that and you know it.” I hate when people even my best friends call me Meredith I feel like someone from the history.

“bye love, call me if your classes finish earlier than mine.” Chase informed me while kissing me cheeks and me reciprocating the act.

We are one of those siblings who value our close relationship, we can’t really separate or go on our own ways without kissing each other, and that’s what I love with my family, we are not ashamed to show affection.

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