Chapter 2 : Holly In Town

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I am currently in my studio and my mom is taking some shots for her new summer apparels. My mom is not only a fashion designer but a professional photographer also. I also enrolled online to take photography courses because sometimes I need to conduct and have my own photoshoot.

This is supposedly our official school time but our school informed our parents that our classes will resume next month because they said that the son of the owner of the school demanded some changes for it to be classier and more prestigious.

I already missed my best friends but then again, I'm thankful because I have many photoshoots to make.

“dear can we use one of your cars to be an accessory for todays photoshoot?” my mom asked me pleadingly. She knows that I love flaunting my babies because they are like my diamonds. They are a girl’s best friend (for me at least).

“and you can now see the new design of your cars because according to your brother he just finished them yesterday and he said that he will take your baby for road test.”  

I hate letting my babies be driven by others, even my twin brother and same with him. He usually takes his work on a road test to see if the designs will still be aesthetically pleasing even when on the road.

My mom handed me red denim shorts and black and black halter top with 6-inch knee high black boots and some gold loop earrings. I also put on my silver waist length pin straight wig and my silver-grey contact lenses.

I love modelling for my mom because I really fancy her designs its just that her designs are very eye catching and I can’t really use them every day.

We headed to our garage and I stared at my babies lovingly. I can really kiss Chase for his beautiful work. My Ashton Martin (named as purple) became so classy with Matte Black and purplish orchids on the both sides. I love how he manage to make it beautiful without making it so girly. I love flowers and the orchids seems like a vine creeping from the underneath of the car. Her name really suits her and my other car my Ferrari (Aqua) becomes so serene looking with Metallic black color with some hues of blue which looks like a beautiful galaxy and lastly my Harley Davidson motorcycle which I named as Joker (from suicide squads) looks like a fudging phoenix. It has black paint but the whole tank and seat is covered with red paint that is meticulously shaped like a flying phoenix. I can really cry right now for the over whelming happiness. It may seems over acting but hey! don’t judge me because I am just happy.

After 20 minutes my mom asked me again to change my outfit into white floral flowy dress with purple embroideries I love the dress but it has a very deep neckline that my boobies are spilling, the dress has an open back.

“stop tugging your dress Meredith because you will be facing against the camera meaning only your back will be viewed from here. And you can display your henna tattoo if you like.” My mom knows about my henna tattoo. I like to try tattoo but I am afraid of needles so I just asked the tattoo artist to make it temporary and for me to really comprehend if I want to alter my skin.

“ok! Mom I think this dress is better with purple (car).” Sometimes my mom allows me to just pose on my own and she will only comment if my facial expression doesn’t go with the vibe that we are aiming for.




“ow! I have this design sweetie but I want it to give to you as a gift. This is not included on my boutique so this is only one of a kind and I know that you will love it because your practically obsessed with these.” I hugged my mom lovingly because she always manages to make clothes just for me. I love having unique things so I almost customized all my things from my clothes to my school supplies basically everything I own is personalized to my own liking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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