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"Give me 3 things that you like and 3 things that you hate. Go." I said, Finishing the large milkshake that I ordered. It was really hard to finish it, my stomach is bloated. 

Currently we're still both seated at the booth, our plates are piled at the side of the table and the only thing left to eat(or drink) was the milkshake. We were just buying our time before we leave, some customers that were with us before already left. There's only few people in the diner. 

The girl from earlier also left, her shift ended apparently. Me and Elliot just gave each other pointed looks before laughing again. 

"No, why?" Elliot's voice was husky because of the milkshake.

I scooted forward and flop my hands onto the table.

"Because, we're on a date." I giddily said. He didn't say anything he just kept on looking at me. I sighed.

"Because I don't know anything about you. Besides for the fact that your dad's a dick, you're in and out of juvie, you listen to AC/DC, and you freaking love leather jackets." I gestured towards his jacket.

He chuckled slightly, closes his eyes for a while then nodded. He looked at me straight in the eyes. "You first."

"Fine. Since I wasn't trying to be all moody and mysterious like you do, I'm going to answer first." I said, earning a laugh from him. 

"Hmmmm. Let's see...." I contemplated  what I'm going to say. My pointer finger touching my temple. Elliot was smiling at me.

"I like cookies and cream flavored ice cream, I like skateboarding but I'm not really good at it." I counted it off with my fingers.

"and my guilty pleasure is One Direction." I mumbled the last words.

"What?" he asked with a smile in his face.

"What?" I asked back. Looking at the table.

"Nothing. You shouldn't be ashamed of what you like." Elliot's voice turned serious again. I looked at him. Slightly relieved that he wasn't making fun of me.

He suddenly took my hands from the table and held it in his own. He looked me straight in the eyes, I couldn't take mine off of his.

"I mean, after all nobody can drag you down."

This fucking asshole. He was grinning from ear to ear. I retracted my hands from his.

"Fuck you." I said venomously. I rolled my eyes at him. He bowed his head to the right slightly, tipping his imaginary hat.

I crossed my arms together. "I hate people who mock others for liking certain things." I said, squinting my eyes at him, a scowl present in my face.

He raised both of his hands as if saying 'not me', and I shake my head at him.

"I freaking hate the last season of Game of Thrones. I'm sure you haven't seen that, 'cause you live under a rock." I gestured towards him again, his face is filled with confusion. So, I'm right. He haven't seen Game of Thrones. What a loser.

"Aaaand I hate goodbyes." I said, finishing off the list. He nodded at me, as he process what I said his face slowly turning into a frown. His eyes trained on my face. I chuckled uncomfortably under his gaze. 

"Your turn." I pointed at him, I smiled so I could ease the tension that is quickly building up. 

"Hmmmm. Let's see" He drummed his fingers in the table while contemplating on what to say. I stayed quiet, focusing all of my attention at him. Waiting patiently for his answers.

"I like.... love Froot Loops." I nodded my head in appreciation. He is a man of good taste.

"I like taking photographs, as you can see." He plays with his camera that was situated beside him for a second. I smiled a little, remembering how he took a hundred pictures of the sunset at the top of the mountains. 

"Why do you like photographs?" I asked, leaning my head into my hand, my milkshake was forgotten at the side. 

"No comment." he said, then wiggled his eyebrows to annoy me. I snorted at him then rolled my eyes. As if I really wanted to know. huh. 

"And I like the color pink." he stated, nodding his own head. I raised my eyebrows at this. 

"You? A guy that's wearing a leather jacket likes the color pink?" I asked, the side of my lips turning up. 

"What is your obsession with my leather jacket, dude?" he asked, taking a sip of his, now, bland milkshake. I shrugged.

"It's just weird, that you're wearing it while hiking." I said, my fingers slightly touching the fabric. I thought he was going to shrug my hands off but he didn't. And so, I left my fingers there, gently nudging the leather on his wrist. 

"Does it ever occur to you to maybe not judge a person by their cover?" He raised his eyebrows at me. 

"That's what my friends always say, but let's be honest we're all judgmental pieces of shits." I said, smiling slightly. His face mirrors mine. We stayed like that for what feels like eternity but I'm sure it's just a few seconds. Then he cleared his throat.

"I hate bridges. Don't ask me why, it's just a weird phobia." he continued breaking our eye contact, my fingers still playing with his jacket, I hummed silently. 

"I hate...... disappointing people." he mumbled. My grip on his jacket slightly tighten, as a sort of comfort. I don't even know why I'm comforting him, I just feel like I should. 

He cleared his throat then continues, "I also hated it when Zayn Malik left the band." his eyes locked in mine, it has a playful glint in them. All the seriousness of his previous statement was gone, all that's left is a cheeky smirk. I beamed at him then, and then I hid my face with my hands slightly embarrassed. 

"Stop it, man." I said, laughing. "You're the only one that knows about that." I took my hands off of my face, I can feel my cheeks redden from the embarrassment.

When I look towards him, he has his camera ready, then a flash suddenly shocked me from my seat. I blinked a few times, the flash nearly blinding me. 

"What the hell, did I gave you permission to take a picture of me?" I said, pursing my lips as if I was annoyed, but deep down I was actually kind of pleased that he did. 

"Oh, I wasn't taking a picture of you. It's just that the lights are so pink." He gestured to the lights hanging above us, reflecting the whole restaurant. I pursed my lips even more. 

"Don't think too highly of yourself, Noah." he said playfully. I rolled my eyes at him then took a sip of my milkshake, that does not have any flavor now that the ice has melted. But I didn't care so long as I have a reason to not look at him.

"Whatever." I mumbled. 


Noah's random ig:

Noah's random ig:

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