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Saturday Night parties always consisted of a wingman. Well,wing woman in Jonathan Perez's case. He always had Iris by his side. They were inseparable.

But tonight, Jonathan was flying solo and despite the gnawing pain in his heart, he felt free.

He pulled up to the gates of the house and pressed the button. Saturday Night meant party night and after the week he had, he needed it.

The light flashed green as the gates opened. He pressed the gas and floored it down the well-lit path.

The mansion soon came into view as well as the other people trying to let go tonight. Other expensive cars like his own, decorated the driveway.

His best friend, Taylor, said his parents were out for the weekend and the party was supposed to be epic.

He pulled into the driveway and after locking his car, he headed inside.

Being the captain of the football team meant that he wouldn't have a problem getting in. Once he got inside, he headed to the backyard.

People were scattered everywhere and surprised faces turned to watch him as we walked by. He wasn't typically a party goer but there was nothing typical about what had been going on lately.

He was a newly single man and he was going to party everything out. For once, he wanted to lose himself in the abyss of music, dancing and fun.

He couldn't remember the last time he did something just for fun without worrying about what everyone else would have to say.

"Yo, Jonathan!" someone yelled.

Jonathan turned his head as a grin spread onto his face, "Taylor," he said.

That one word said everything as someone handed him a beer bottle.

"I'm driving home tonight, so one bottle," he said.

Someone jumped into the pool causing a splash and Jonathan stepped back. He was in no mood to get his clothes wet.

Taylor laughed, "Seriously, dude? Where's your designated driver?"

Jonathan shrugged, "Who the hell knows? That's not how I'm letting lose tonight. Plus we have a game Tuesday and coach will drag my ass across the field if he finds out,"

"True," Taylor said nodding, "That's not stopping me though," he laughed.

Jonathan rolled his eyes as the cold beer touched his throat. It burned a little but he welcomed it. He respected it.

His eyes rolled over everyone dancing to the music blasting from the speakers.

The LED lights made everything more surreal. Red, purple, blue, and green colors that flashed in tune to the music. He also saw every girl there eyeing him.

Somehow the stars still shone. Brightly as ever through the bright lights from the party and for a second Jonatan wished he was home. But he brushes the feeling away.

He was finally single and everyone wanted him. There was no doubt about that but he had been taken until recently.

A month, to be exact.

Tonight, everything was different. He saw wanting eyes as girls danced with their friends trying to be the one to draw his attention.

His presence caused everyone to stop in their tracks and he liked it that way.

Jonathan wasn't your average guy and the girls knew that.

Captain of the football team, incredibly gorgeous, abs to die for,?and tall? What more could a girl ask for? Anyone who got to spend a second with him was lucky.

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