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"Wait a second? So you guys made up, just like that?"

Jonathan was sitting in his room with Taylor whole they tossed a football back and forth.

"Just like that," Jonathan replied nodding.

"Damn dude," Taylor said laughing.

Jonathan shook his head, "Mom lectured me the other day about my attitude towards Iris. She said I didn't know what was going on and how Iris felt blah blah blah. So I decided that the least I could do was give Iris the benefit of the doubt,"

Taylor nodded, "Fair enough? What about James?"

"He could kick rocks for all I care,"

They laughed.

"When are you coming back to school?"

"I'm hoping by Friday. I'm done being stuck in the house. At least if one day and then the weekend I can give myself a break,"

"True. We have a game Friday, are you going to come?"

"Hell yeah I'm coming," he said causing Taylor to laugh, "There's no way I'm not. I need to get out of the house and I can't drive yet so mom is dropping me off and then you're taking me home,"

"Well, gee thanks for asking," Taylor replied.


"You think that Iris will be there?"

Jonathan shrugged, "I honestly have no idea,"

"Did she tell you why she dumped you for James?"

"I mean when she told me she was breaking up with me, she said that she had a change of heart. She realized that the relationship was no longer something she wanted. She said that she didn't feel the same anymore."

"Wow. Is that even a real reason?" Taylor asked.

"Nope and it doesn't look like she's planning on telling me either. Honestly, I'm not even going to stress it. I'm just glad that we're cool again,"

"James is going to be sob pissed,"

Jonathan shrugged, "He may be but he'll be alright. I'm not trying to steal his girlfriend. We're friends. Plus, he's friends with almost every girl on the cheerleading team. I wish he would say something to me,"

Taylor laughed as he pulled out his phone that had begun to ring.

"Hello?" he answered

Jonathan watched as Taylor rolled his eyes, "Alright, I'm coming,"

When he hung up, he turned to Jonathan, "Why does my sister have a car if she refuses to drive it, like ever?"

Jonathan laughed, "See you later bro,"

"See ya,"

He heard the door downstairs close and he sighed.

He hated being alone.

He started therapy next week but the nightmares came whenever he fell asleep, and he usually fell asleep when he was alome.

Nightmares meant no sleep, and no sleep meant being tired all the time. But he hated sleeping. No matter how much his body needed it.

He sat up turning on the tv, hoping to get a distraction but instead his phone rang.

"Hello," he answered

"Hey," a familiar voice cane over the phone and he smiled.

"Hey," he replied.

It was Iris. She always appeared at the perfect times.

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