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One week passed by and before Iris knew it she was back in school like nothing happened. She got a few funny looks when she walked into school Monday morning but nothing unusual.

She had driven her car to school this morning since Jonathan left at the crack of dawn, literally, for practice.

It was early November and Iris couldn't wait for Thanksgiving break. She needed a break. Her family usually traveled for the holidays but this year they were staying home. Iris was grateful. She wasn't sure she wanted to hop on a plane at the moment.

With back to back football games, she hadn't seen her brother or James all weekend. She kind of missed them and she never thought she'd say that about Jordan.

But she'd gotten the weekend to herself and the house was way too quiet.

She approached her locker and just as she opened it, she heard a commotion and squeals.

Iris turned around to see a girl with gorgeous auburn curls walk through the front doors. Skinny jeans, a parka, boots, and a bookbag. The cheerleaders surrounded her. Iris had no idea who she was but she did look familiar.

Iris shrugged turning around to grab her books. The first bell was in ten minutes and she liked being early.

She hated walking through doors just after the bell rang and everyone turning to her as if she had just killed somebody. She hated the attention.

Iris removed her coat, keeping her scarf around her neck.

She was still slightly sore from the surgery and her doctors instructed her to take it easy so that she would heal properly. But for now, she was okay.

She watched the girl with auburn curls make her way down the hallway practically attached to the captain of the cheerleading team, Maya.

Iris wasn't particularly fond of any of them, her best friend used to be a cheerleader and was now on the swim team so now Iris had no reason to deal with any of them.

But her best friend was away in California pursuing her dream of becoming a professional swimmer so Iris was all by her lonesome.

Just as Iris closed her locker, someone wrapped their arms around her waist and a familiar scent filled her nose.

"Guess who?" a deep voice asked.

"Uh brown hair?" she asked


"Hazel eyes?"


"Gee doesn't ring a bell. I know a few people with that description,"

James shook with laughter, "Funny baby,"

Iris grinned turning around, "Hi," she said smiling, "How are you?"

"Tired," he said and he looked it. A baseball cap covered his face but his eyes didn't have their usual brightness in them.

"How were the games?"

"We won but I twisted my ankle so Coach is making me 'take it easy,"

Iris chuckled, "I don't disagree with him,"

"Yeah, yeah. You just want me all to yourself,"

Iris smiled, "You know me so well,"

James smiled kissing her.

"Whoa, your lips are super cold," Iris said recoiling.

"Uh, sorry?" he said

Iris grinned kissing him again.

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