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Iris sat in her room amidst a pile of stray papers, clothes, shoes, and more.

Spring cleaning had consumed her weekend. She had numerous garbage bags filled with clothes, shoes, and jackets for donation.

Another pile of papers that she didn't need anymore and other miscellaneous things.

She'd been cleaning since she got home on Friday. Olvia had invited her to hang out but she declined because she really needed to clean.

Plus cleaning helped her clear her head and she definitely needed that.

Her brother was actually home for once today but he was still sleeping and Iris figured he'd be asleep for the rest of the day. When he was up, he just kept going and going until he crashed.

Back to back practices and games had wiped him out this week so she let him be and made sure to keep quiet.

Her mom ran out this morning to do some grocery shopping and a few other things so it was just her and her brother home.

The weather was finally getting nice again so Iris had her balcony doors open, letting the cool spring air in.

She loved the spring because everything began to bloom again. Flowers sprouted up everywhere, the trees began to bloom... everything came to life and it made her happy.

The fact that it was no longer cold and the sun shone, put her in a good mood.

She was slowly making progress in her room but she just had a lot of junk that she needed to throw out.

At this time last year, she was probably waking up from a hangover right about now and stumbling downstairs with caked foundation and dried eyeliner underneath her eyes. Her hair dry and tangled from her drunken slumber.

Now? She was sober, and she glowed from the inside out.

She noticed the difference in her quality of life and she loved that she was able to appreciate the little things. She never noticed it before.

She put in her AirPods, turning up the volume on her favorite song as she continued cleaning up.

About an hour later she was halfway done with her room and had cleared out a big portion of her closet. She was driving them to a local church later on. She often volunteered there but lately, the school had kept her busy. She was sure they would be happy to see her today.

After packing everything in her car, she put on jeans, a cute white t-shirt, converse, and a jacket. After wrapping her hair in a ponytail, and leaving a note for Jordan she headed to the Church.

When she pulled into the parking lot, she grabbed a few bags and dragged them to the front door where she saw her mom's friend, Miranda.

"Iris!" she exclaimed.

"Hi!" Iris replied smiling.

"Long time no see honey! How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks. How are you?"

"Oh, I'm doing just fine, we barely see you anymore,"

"I know," Iris said sighing, "School has been keeping me super busy but I promise you guys are going to see more of me soon,"

"Yes, I sure hope so. What brings you here today?"

"I've got some clothes, and shoes to donate,"

"Okay," she said nodding, "We've actually got a few volunteers handling that inside so you can bring it on in,"

"Okay, thank you,"

Iris hefted one over her shoulder and held the other one as she made her way inside.

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