Chapter 14

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Hi! I hope you like it.

Freddie's POV

I just finished getting ready for school and I'm just about to go to Carly's apartment. I go out into the hall and knocked on Carly's door. She opened it a couple seconds after.

C: Spencer Freddie's here we're going to school!

Spence: Ok! Bye!

We walked down to the lobby and Lewbert was there reading a magazine.


C: Jeez. Ok. Ok.

We went out of 'his' lobby and walked to school.

F: Hey where's Sam?

C: She said that she was going to meet us at school.

F: Ok.

We walked the rest of the way in silence.

Time passes they are now at school.

We just got to school. We walked over to Carly and Sam's lockers and Sam was wearing a dress that made her look even more beautiful. 

S: Hey Carls. Hey baby.

C: Hey. What's up with the dress?

S: My mom and Richard got it for me and I told them I would wear it. So I thought I'd get it over with. 

F: Well I think that you look beautiful as usual. 

S: Thanks babe.

I gave her a little peck on the lips.

C: Quit it with the mushy stuff.

Sam rolled her eyes and I just chuckled. Even though Carly's my friend sometimes I thinks she's jealous of me and Sam's relationship. I mean she hasn't dated a guy in weeks and that's a record for her. Usually she dates a guy for about two days before she finds out there's something she doesn't like about them. Even Gibby has a girl who might like him back. Linda I think her name is. Carly isn't the best when it comes to choosing who she dates. In my opinion she should just wait until someone hits on her because her flirting skills suck.

Linda is a made up character. Time passes it is now lunchtime.

Me, Sam, Carly, and Gibby are eating lunch together and almost every boy is staring at Sam. I think it's kind of disturbing that so many people are staring at my girlfriend and I think she thinks so to because her head has been down the whole lunch and she hasn't said a thing.

F: Hey you ok. 

S: No. I hate how everyone's staring at me.

F: You want to go somewhere else.

S: Yes.

F: Ok. Let me tell Carly.

I turn to face Carly.

F: Me and Sam are going to go to the lockers.

C: Ok. I'll see you guys after school.

I turned back to Sam.

F: Ok let's go.

We both got up and walked out of the cafeteria. We went to Sam's locker and sat on the floor.

S: Do you think it was stupid to wear this dress? I mean it makes everyone stare at me.

F: It wasn't stupid. And you didn't know that you were going to cause everybody to stare at you.

S: Ok. I'm just starting to think that this dress is to much for school.

F: You're beautiful dress or no dress. But if you don't like how everybody's staring at you then just wear it on the weekends.

S: Thanks baby you always know how to cheer me up.

She gave me a little peck on the lips and we sat there in silence. She rested her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her. We sat there like that until the bell ringed and we got up.

S: See you later babe.

F: See ya Princess Puckett.

We both walked to our classes. History for me and math I think for her.

Time passes they are now at Carly's apartment.

Sam's POV

Me, Freddie, and Carly are all at her apartment watching T.V. Spencer was out shopping which was good because I did not need him asking me about my dress. And I spoke to soon. Spencer just burst through the door.

Spence: Hey guys!

Everybody except Spence: Hey.

Spence: What up with the dress Sam?

S: It's a birthday present that I promised I'd wear. So I got it over with today.

Spence: Ok. Well you look nice.

S: Thanks. Your the only guy today that's said that instead of staring. Except for Freddie.

Spence: Ok.

C: Shut up. This is a new episode of Girly Cow!

S: Yeah Spence. Shut up.

Spence: But Sam-

Spencer stopped short when Carly gave him an angry stare then went back to watching Girly Cow. It went to commercial and that's when Carly decided to say something.

C: Tomorrow I have a date with a boy and I need the first floor. Can everybody stay away from the first floor from 4 O'clock after school to the rest of the day.

Spence: Ok. But I will be right upstairs. So no funny business.

S: I won't come over.

F: Me to. 

C: There will be no funny business thank you very much.

I rolled my eyes. Knowing Carly there will be funny business. In the guys car. Ever time she goes on a second date with a guy they try to have sex with her in their car. She always gets out of getting grounded. Spence caves in easily. It's kinda sad. Well I mean he is a man-child so it's not that sad. But still sad. Anyways I've heard about this guy and this is a second date. The commercials ended and Girly Cow resumed. After the episode ended me and Freddie said goodbye to Carly and Spence and went to his place. His mother was out so we had the place to ourselves. I started thinking about if me and Freddie ever had sex. Which we haven't. It would be easy. My mom wouldn't care. But we would have to keep it a secret from his mom. I got pulled out of my thoughts when Freddie said something.

F: What do you want to do. We should have about a couple hours.

S: I don't know. We could...

Instead of saying something he kissed me on the lips and I kissed back. We made out for about twenty seconds then let go for air.

S: That's an idea that I like.

F: I like it to.

We kissed again over and over. Each time a little longer than the other and the air breaks shorter and shorter. We did that until I had to go.

S: I gotta go. Your mom will be home soon.

F: Ok. Bye Princess Puckett.

S: Bye Benson.

I left the apartment and walked home.

So how'd you like it? I hope it was good.

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