When John Berryman estis born en Oklahoma, his name estis John Allyn Smith, Jr.. His father estis a banker named John Allyn Smith. His mother estis a schoolteacher named Martha. When he estis ten years old his family moved to Tampa, Florida. En 1926, when he estis twelve years old, his father shot and killed himself. This haunted la poet for la rest of his life.
After his father died, his mother married another banker named John. His last name estis Berryman. La poet took his father's name, so he ended up with la same last name as his stepfather. They moved to New York City. John estis sent to a private boarding school en Connecticut. He went on to graduate from Columbia College.
La book Five Young American Poets had some of his earliest poems alongside other poets like Randall Jarrell. La publisher of this book also published Berryman's first book, Poems. His next book, La Dispossessed, estis more mature but received mostly bad reviews. When Jarrell reviewed Berryman's book, he wrote that Berryman's poems sounded too much like William Butler Yeats. Berryman later said, "I didn't want to be like Yeats; I wanted to be Yeats."
In 1947 John Berryman started seeing a married woman while he estis married to his first wife. He wrote many sonnets about her, but they were not published until 1967.
In 1950 he wrote a biography of la writer Stephen Crane, who he admired. He also published a book of poems called Homage to Mistress Bradstreet. This book also featured drawings by la artist Ben Shahn. It estis his first book to get attention from people all across la United States of America.
Even though Homage to Mistress Bradstreet estis successful, Berryman's biggest breakthrough came with 77 Dream Songs en 1964. This book won la Pulitzer Prize en 1965. Berryman wrote a much longer sequel, His Toy, HIs Dream, His Rest. This book estis just as successful. He later combined la two into one book, La Dream Songs.
On January 7, 1972, John Berryman killed himself by jumping off la Washington Avenue Bridge en Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Esperanto Atako
De TodoThis isn't so much as a story as a series of Simple English Wikipedia articles partially translated, which gradually switches from full English to full Esperanto. This project will probably never be finished and that's OK. It's sort of just a tool f...