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Jahseh's POV

"I told you not to fucking go out but fucking did." I said

"I didn't go out baby" Y/n slurred.

"I can't do this shit with you anymore, I'll be gone tomorrow." I said, every night this week she went out doing who knows what.

Even if I tell her not to go she still goes, and I love Y/n with all my heart and I'm trying to start trusting her after what she did, but she's making that difficult.

"Wait what?" she said me

"I'm leaving, you do the shit that I tell you not to fucking do. I should have left months ago when you cheated on me but no, I didn't because I thought things could work but I guess fucking not. You could be fucking other niggas where ever your going but shit. I don't know." I said

I walked up upstairs with Y/n behind me screaming and crying her eyes out but I didn't care. I went into different room than the one that we always slept in because I don't wanna fucking hear anything from her. I closed the door on her face not feeling bad at all. Sometimes I want to believe that she's not doing anything wrong when she goes out but I can't.

Y/n's POV

"Jahseh... Can I please talk to you about this. It's not what you think" I said knocking on the door.

"Jahseh please, we need to talk about what happened a month ago and today. I swear it's not what you think" I said knocked on the door.

"Ok since you won't open the door I'll just tell you from here" I said and started leaning on the door.

"First of all. Tonight I didn't go out, I hung out with Y/f/n (your friends name) and we had a few drinks. I might of had a few more than her though. We didn't go anywhere else except her house. I'm not even dressed to go anywhere. And about what happened a month ago, it's one of my friends from high school. He's gay and we wanted to hangout with each other before he moved. What you saw was him about to give me a hug because we were about to leave. He wasn't going to kiss me Jahseh, I swear." I said. At this point I was crying hoping he would believe the words that just came out of my mouth cause it was the truth. I would never cheat on Jahseh and that's a fact.

All of a sudden the door opened almost making me fall but Jahseh caught me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Is that the truth?" he asked me

"I swear it is" I said

"I'm sorry for not believing you" he said kissed my forehead.

"I love you" I said

"I love you too Y/n" he said and we went back to our room and went to sleep.

Probably should have made this longer but so what. I wanted to make something like... whatever this is. I didn't want to make something sexual today. :))

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