Chapter One

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"Have you ever wondered why you did that when you wake up the next morning? I have, and it sucks. Before I get into what I did let me tell you who I am, my name is Lori, I am a 23-year-old woman I guess you would say, most times though I feel like I am between 16 and 80 depending on what I did the night before. 

 I work as a secretary with a boss that I hate more than life sometimes, but it pays the bills which was not part of the plan when growing up, when I was young, I would dream of marring a rich guy and just lay around all day getting my nails and hair done. 

I thought that way since my mother always is gone to the spa as she calls it. My father is rich only be means of the family line that has been passed down from the first born and so on, but since I am a female and the only one, I must make my own way per my parents' rules. Which means mom gets to spend all the money while I work my ass off.

 I do not mind most days, since I turned eighteen, I moved out before they could throw me out and I have not looked back once. Never really knew my parents anyway, was raised with nannies and once I was old enough off to boarding schools, which never lasted long since I kept getting kicked out a lot of the time.

 I always thought my pranks were funny but the teachers I guess did not like their hands being glued to the doorknobs or their bedrooms rearranged on the lawn during rainstorms. 

So, after I graduated finally, I packed my bags and my father was waiting for me by the door, he handed me an envelope that held about ten thousand dollars said good luck and shut the door on my face.

 At least I had enough money to put down on my apartment and get things I needed. So here I am lying in bed contemplating calling in sick to work, cannot believe I went out last night with the two friends that I have and decided it was a good thing to go and bar hop. Last thing I remember was singing karaoke and making out with this guy, he looked familiar last night but I did not care, I was celebrating my birthday. 

Now the thing you regret when you wake up from the night before was the guy, I was making out with was my boss son. He now works there and is my boss or so he likes to think. Guess daddy gives him whatever the hell he wants."  

 Covering my face with a pillow I decide I cannot hide forever under my covers even though it seems like a great plan, but then my alarm goes off. Getting up I head to the shower, letting the steam loosen up all my tight muscles for a moment before finishing then once out I was drying off walking into my bedroom looking for clothes that would be suitable for work, not how I feel even though I could hear my sweatpants calling me to be lazy today, looking in my closet I found one of my suits that screamed look at me. 

It was a black pinstriped suit, it came with pants and a skirt depending on your mood I guess, today I went with pants and my sharp pair of black heels, I love these ones. After getting dressed I throw my hair up in a ponytail not bothering with anything major since I was not feeling working, but I at least tried making myself look nice, I did have some pride most days, I put on some mascara and lipstick, so I was not a total wash out.

 I reserve it for later when I must face Mr. Heart. Last night I found out his first name, but do you think I could remember it today? Nope I could not, course as much as he drank with me hopefully, he will forget it and not mention anything of last night.

 A girl can dream, can't she? Grabbing my purse and drank my morning smoothie before heading out, at least I have something in my stomach before I head into work once there, I will grab a banana or something in the lunchroom. 

Traffic was light which made getting a taxi easy and got to work in record time, only ten minutes to spare, just enough to grab stuff from the break room and head to my desk, except one problem, Mr. Heart is sitting in my chair. 

"Well good morning, Lori, pleasure to see you" he just had to say, I remind myself I am at work and this sleaze is my boss son. "Good morning Mr. Heart" I said smiling, but not one of those big smiles to where you know its fake as all hell, this one was a sincere one that you would give a stranger when they smile at you. 

Standing there he knows he is putting me on the spot, nowhere to go to really, a few people in but most are either outside smoking or in the break room gossiping. Which I can feel my ears burning with him sitting in my chair. 

He stands up and gets right in my space, I swear he is irritating, but damn he smells good though and he stands a good foot or taller than me, I am only five foot five, he must be at least six foot five and he is built, well from what my hands told me last night when I was running them all over his chest, looking up at him.

 I notice his eyes are the darkest blue I have ever seen, it was like looking into a sapphire, he looked down at me and smiled and leaned in to whisper into my ear, " I greatly enjoyed getting to know you last night, if I had known it was your birthday I would have made sure you wouldn't be in to work today" he whispered and as he started to stand up he nipped my ear, nipped it, I stood there in shock not knowing what to say to anything he had said, and my body was betraying me as usual, it wanted him bad.

 I swore he slightly growled when he smelled me. His eyes locked onto mine and we just stood there for what seemed like an hour or more, but it was a moment, but something had passed between us, what I have no clue, but damn it he has me worked up.

 "Mr. Heart" we both looked over and saw his father standing there with a look of concern on his face, I noticed the man in front of me his back went rigged, turned, and walked away to his father's office and shut the door. I sat down at my desk and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, what In the hell was that all about I wondered, looking down at my desk, I notice on the stick notes was a number and his name, "Stephen" so that was his name.

 I smiled without realizing it and heard my girlfriend Becky cough which made me look up and she smiled and wiggled her eyebrows at me, I couldn't help but blush, well at least now with that out of the way I can get to work and hopefully let it go smoothly and fast so I can go home and get into my comfortable clothes grab take out and watch a movie in bed and be lazy, luckily today is Friday and I have the weekend to do nothing. 

I work right though lunch, well I grabbed a sandwich and ate at my desk, I so was not in the mood to be asked what he wanted, and I know it has already got around the office that we were making out last night, do I regret it hell no, that man is hot as hell and knows how to kiss but I regret it being my boss son. 

Next thing I know its four o'clock and time to head home, straightened out my desk for Monday and file the rest of the paperwork, grab my purse and I throw his number into my purse just in case. Once outside of the building I hail a taxi and make it home with no interruptions luckily, walk in my apartment and lock the door, strip off my clothes and grab my comfortable old reliable sweatpants and a tank top, I walk into the kitchen and realize I left my food out on the couch.

 I grab a plate and a drink and go to the couch and grab my dinner, can never go wrong with a sub and chips, and head to my bedroom to watch a favorite horror movie, love these kinds, nothing scares me anymore I have always loved the vampires, werewolf movies. As a kid I have always dreamt of becoming one of them, but I knew it was not ever going to happen unfortunately.

 All the males of the paranormal area were always hot as hell and lived either forever or damn well close to it. Once dinner was done, I put the plate in the kitchen and turn off the lights, getting in bed and snuggling into the covers I lay there watching Dracula vow to forever find his love, and as I close my eyes, I hear a noise outside my window. 

Knowing I am three floors up I figure it is a bird settling for the night and pay no mind as I drift off to sleep, dreaming of Stephen and his body wrapped up around mine, making me scream his name while he explodes deep inside of me. The rest of the night was peaceful.

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