Chapter Twenty-one

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The rest of the night flew by, it was nice meeting the whole pack. I knew it was important to Derek and I also wanted to make a good impression, which for me was hard to do most times since I was on the side of quiet not outgoing but this family made it easy to have fun.

 As the fire dwindled down, Derek took my hand and pulled me into his arms as we swayed to the music just being wrapped in his arms, I knew that my wolf and I made the right choice. We could see growing old here raising our family and watching everyone else's family grow along side of ours.

 I glanced around a bit and saw a few other couples dancing and the older ones sitting there smiling at us. It was the best feeling I have ever felt that belonging finally to a family that loved you and did not expect anything in return but love and respect. 

I was never brought up in a family like that, my brother was always the top one to get whatever he wanted, and I was always passed over. Well, I bet they are regretting their actions now. I am the top wolf and my brother from what I was told still lives with his parents not doing much because his mother still treats him like he can do no wrong. 

Oh well, such is life I thought, I have my mate, and my babies growing inside of me and a home and a pack, life will have difficulties I am aware of that but still I could not ask for anything better. Looking at my ring glitter in the light of the fire I noticed that it would take on a red hue, Derek looked down and smiled. 

"That ring my love was my mothers, and before that it was her mothers and one day it will belong to our daughter, every female that wears it takes a bit of their coloring of their hair so one day it will have our line altogether." I got on my tiptoes and kissed him, "it is absolutely stunning and will never take it off" I told him between kisses. 

"Want to go for a run baby" Derek asked me as he started to strip off his clothes, damn that man was stunning to look at naked in the light of the fire. I smiled and stripped faster than he could blink and was my wolf before he even knew it. Derek laughed and his wolf was standing right next to me. He let out a massive loud howl and before my eyes anyone who wanted to run with us changed.

 There had to have been over eighty wolves standing there waiting for us. Derek's wolf looked at mine and I was off running as fast as my legs could carry me, I could feel Derek right behind me a tad, I knew he was faster than me, but he let me lead the pack on my first run with them and it felt amazing. We ran for a while till I found the stream that Derek once took me to, we all stopped and drank and laid down to rest, I forgot sometimes that with what I am my speed and strength, and endurance was more than most of the pack. I will have to remember that for next time. 

"My love, I want to take a few of the guys and go hunting, will you be okay here?" he asked in my mind. "What the hell, we can talk through our thoughts?" I looked at him, I wonder what my wolf face must have looked like at that moment, because I know my human one would have been puzzled looking.

 "Yes, sweetheart because we are mates and have mated our bond and connection is strong but will grow stronger once we fully mate and mark each other" he said as he licked my muzzle. "Oh okay, and yes I will be fine, just going to lay here and rest and see what's going on" I said to him. He stood there looking down at me, I licked his muzzle and he then turned and ran with a few of the other wolves. 

Life as a wolf does not seem that bad honestly, a lot less drama and everything is clear cut, you have the ranking system and everyone knows what is expected out of them and that is it, well that is what it seems like to me that is. 

Laying here resting by the creek was peaceful, I could tell dawn was approaching in a few hours, but I was not tired enough to want to go to bed just yet, watching some of the pack stay around while most of the males went out hunting. 

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