Chapter Nine

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I cannot believe how well she took the news, I thought for sure it would put her in shock and once that wore off, she would yell at me that I am insane and to get out of her home and life forever, my wolf and I were anxious waiting to see her reaction and she floored us both with accepting it right off the bat and she was happy with the idea.

 How bad did her parents treat her? or ignore her? because she was a female and not being able to turn, I know her parents pack prided themselves on having a male heir born first to carry on the legacy of shifters, but still, in my pack we worshipped the women, for they gave us life in our pack with new pups even if they could shift or not.

 But Lori was something different, I have no idea if she will ever be able to change but she could feel her wolf starting to stir after I marked her and that was a great sign plus with her being an alpha female, she has yet to realize how powerful she will be and how rare and special. The most amazing thing though is she chose me to be her mate.

 I do not know if she knows how important of a decision that is, so I will not get my hopes up to high now until we talk more in case, she fully realizes that it is for life with us shifters, our kind does not run around and sleep with multiple partners once we find our mate. Then there is Derek, the alpha male who runs Lori's parents pack who has set his sights on her since she turned eighteen, that man is egotistical and only cares about power, he sees having Lori by his side is the ultimate prize. 

This will not be easy, until Derek concedes and admits Lori is mine and not his, I must make sure before Lori goes back to work that she can withstand him, once Derek sets his sights on something, he does not stop till he has it, and I will be damned if he thinks he will get Lori not happening. At least now she knows what is going on and to keep what we are a secret, if word got out, we would be captured and experimented on and that is a death sentence. 

Looking over at the woman who I am in love with, looked so beautiful and peaceful sleeping right next to me, I want her in my bed and arms for the rest of my life, and my wolf fully agrees with me on this. She is our mate, and a strong partner one who completes us, I know I will have to protect her fully until we have completed the mating bond but at least for now, she bares my mark and has my scent on her for others to see she is mine and my wolf and I will not let anyone take that away.

 Deciding to get up and take a shower, than making her breakfast in bed before we must go to work today, I think she would enjoy that and I want to make her happy, one thing is definite once she is fully bonded to us, I want to move her to my place, hopefully she would want that even though she has had her freedom, hopefully she will be ready to settle down and create a life for us, one that she always wanted. 


Second day in a row I have woken up to Stephen cooking me breakfast, this man is something else, and I am so happy that I finally found a guy who loves me for me and on top of that is a shapeshifter if that is even a word they use, I will have to talk more with him on what words are best to use. 

I must get my lazy bones out of bed, but it feels so good laying here and thinking on what we did all yesterday and last night I know my body is sore, but it is a good sore, I feel complete just something is missing, and I am not sure what, another thing I must make sure I talk with him about. 

Turning on the water I stood there looking in the mirror, and smile as I run my figures over the mark on my neck, it was healed up, but you could see where my mate marked me. I froze hearing a voice that seemed like it was right behind me but there was no one there, looking around I could not figure it out.

 "Hello?", "You will come to realize I am the other half of you, the one that the goddess granted you with" the voice said, but I realized it was coming from inside of me, and I know I am not going crazy, but this was making me nervous.

 Almost running out of the bathroom, I went to Stephen, babe I think somethings wrong with me, I keep hearing this voice, but no one else is around and it seems like it is coming from inside of me. I told him in tears. Stephen wrapped me in his arms and kissed the top of my head, "baby look at me" and I did, I looked up into his eyes and saw he was smiling, "that is your wolf talking to you, it will be in your head because well she is a part of you, the other side of you. 

You both will be able to talk to each other that way. She will be able to warn you of danger or is something is off, learn to trust her baby" I stood there realizing that I have a being inside of me that is powerful and will talk to me and I can talk to her, this is so surreal but amazing and terrifying to tell you the truth. Okay, I said and kissed him and went back to take my shower. 

After I finished washing my hair, I thought I heard someone knocking at the front door, then hearing male voices, my wolf was instantly on edge, that was the strangest feeling, I could feel her stand up and start growling low and deep and the back of her hair started to raise up I do not know if I will ever get used to that feeling. 

The bathroom door swung open and banged against the wall, "Lori" what was Derek doing in my bathroom? "Get the hell out of here Derek" I yelled at him. I swear that man knows no boundaries, but he did not listen he had the nerve to pull back the curtain and stand there staring at me while I am naked. 

That pissed me off, a low growl came out of my mouth and by the look on Derek's face was shock and mine mirrored the same, because I never had that happen before, but my wolf did not like this man, and she sure did not like the look in his eyes while he was checking me out. Next thing I knew as I was grabbing my towel.

 Stephen came flying into the bathroom and grabbed Derek by the neck which was not an easy thing to do since Derek towered over even Stephen, but somehow, he managed to pull Derek out of the bathroom and slammed the bathroom door for me, thankfully giving me enough time to dry off and run into my bedroom and throw on my clothes. 

Walking into the other room I went right up to Derek and started to poke his chest, "who the hell do you think you are coming into my home and barging into my bathroom while I was taking a shower?" Derek just stood there not sure what to say by the look on his face.

 "Listen Lori, I know Stephen told you the basics of everything but since you were part of my pack and even though your parents thought you were just a human, with werewolf DNA but not even connected to your wolf which it seems that you actually are since your wolf growled at me, it is my right and duty as alpha to bring you to my home and teach you what you will need to know." 

I could not believe what I was hearing, Derek wanted me to leave my home and Stephen and work to spend time at his place, oh hell no that is so not going to happen. 

"Listen here Derek, I don't care if you are alpha of the entire werewolf clans, I will not go with you, as you see, I left my parents back when I was eighteen and I am now twenty-three, so that is five years too late to lay any claim you might have, thank you for stopping by and you know where the door is" I told him as I turned my back to him and went towards the kitchen.

 "Lori you will stop this moment and come with me" Derek used his alpha commanding voice on me, I had to laugh, I turned around and went right up to him " go to hell and your commands I said no" and with that I opened the door and pointed for him to leave. 

I do not know who was more shocked, Derek or Stephen, but Stephen stood there with the biggest smile on his face after that, he knew what he told me just proved that I was in fact an alpha female, but only problem was now that Derek knew as well. He was determined to make me his mate by that look I saw in his eyes at that moment when it clicked what I was.

 "Well, well, well, so I see you are an alpha female my dear, which is why more than ever I need you to come with me so I can personally train you" he barley spoke, but the way he said it sent shivers down my spine, next thing I knew Derek picked me up and kissed me full force. His chest vibrated which went straight through me and my wolf picked her head up and even she felt the raw power Derek was pushing into us which made her see him as a potential mate, damn it.

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