Chapter 1✔

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Daksha's POV:-

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Daksha's POV:-

It was a flight from Melbourne to India. Everyone in the flight was dead asleep as it was already past midnight. I was the only one who seemed to be wide awake.

I was staring ahead blankly as my mind started wandering with deep thoughts. While staring, I subconsciously closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I was woken up from my deep slumber by the continuous giggling of a baby. Adjacent to me, there sat was a father and son duo. The baby was around a year old or so.

The father was cooing at his son and the baby was babbling incoherently to his father in his babyish voice, making his father giggle with glee.

Seeing them enjoy happily without having any care in the world, my face adorned with a genuine smile but it got faltered immediately as the thoughts of my past started crossing my mind.

"Had it been for that incident that happened at that night, there would also be a baby in our home. Our house would also be bustling with the giggles of a baby. If only..." I thought to myself, sighing deeply.

Flicking my wrist, I glanced at my watch and noticing that there was still an hour or so is left for the flight to reach its destination, I went to the restroom in the aircraft and washed my face to wipe off the sluggishness that I was feeling.

By the time I came back, the baby in the seat adjacent to me had fallen asleep on his father's shoulder.

Smiling at the serene face of that baby, I took my seat and looked out of the window. There I saw a flock of birds flying together in the vast sky. Looking at them, I laughed sardonically.

I really envied the life of a bird, a life without the worry of the future, and a life without the burden of the past.

They only care about the present without having any expectations about the future. I also used to be like that in the past or precisely that was the way I used to live.

I used to enjoy the present day as if it was my last day. My face was always  adorned with a blissful smile, contrary to the fake ones I am pulling in front of everyone now.

Gone was the girl with the chirpiness who used to live a life without any worries. Now I have only one purpose and that's to serve punishment to the demon of my past with what he is entitled to, for making my life a living nightmare.

For being the reason behind the darkness I am surrounded with. For being the reason behind the miseries that the people around me are suffering with. Most importantly, for snatching the most important person in my life. I am living only for that.

Staying far away from my own family as if I have no one and living a life filled with guilt even when I am also a victim of God's cruel play, is not at all an easy thing.

I am punishing myself by staying away from them as I thought, I am not worthy of their love and support.

Even after what had happened, they never once blamed me or resented me. In fact, they allowed me to achieve whatever I wanted to, even if it means that I have to stay away from them.

I didn't disappoint them though. At the age of 27, I am one of the most successful cardiologists. I am also the major shareholder and director of Medicare Hospitals. Professionally, I am very satisfied with my life.

About ten days back, I went to Melbourne to attend the international doctor's summit to represent my hospital.

There I interacted with lots of new people, earned so many connections, and learned about so many techniques and technologies. I even gained a contract with a supplier company to introduce new equipment and technology to my hospital.

Now I am returning from Melbourne. The flight landed safely at the destination. After completing all the formalities, I am waiting for Aarna, whom I consider my little sister.

She is the daughter of my dad's best friend and she grew up in front of me. So I always play the role of an elder sister in her life.

"God! This girl is never on time. I am in a dire need of either chocolate or caffeine in my system now. I really can't stand this headache anymore. It's literally killing me," I mumbled, rubbing my throbbing head with my palm over it, and went to grab some hot chocolate.

While returning, I was still grumbling in annoyance because of Aarna's tardiness and didn't notice the person who was coming in my way. Thereby, I dashed straight into that person.

Out of a reflex, I protected my hot chocolate and that action caused my face to land directly on the broad chest of a man.

I glanced up to have a glimpse at his face and became somewhat dazed after witnessing his godly handsome features, totally ignoring the situation I was in.

When I noticed that man's cold glance, I immediately recovered from my dazed state and mumbled a quick apology as I was the one who bumped into him mistakenly.

He didn't pay me any heed and royally ignored my apology before striding away from me. While doing so, he removed his suit jacket and threw it into the trash bin before wiping his hand with the help of a kerchief as if he had touched some sort of dirt, not before throwing away that kerchief too.

All the while, I was looking at his actions with my eyes wide open, completely forgetting the poor hot chocolate that was in my hand, which had already kissed the floor.

"Rude much!" I mumbled to myself when I saw him throwing away his jacket in the bin with disgust and wiping his hands.

I huffed in anger and turned around to storm out but stopped suddenly after remembering my hot chocolate.

I swerved around to see that it was already on the floor. Seeing this, I made a sad face and cursed Aarna for not being on time.

"Aaru ki bacchi, you are so dead in my hands," muttering under my breath, I started taking deep breaths to control my fury which was a direct result of the actions of that rude yet handsome man.

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