chapter 40✔

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After 15 days

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After 15 days.

Daksha's POV:

Everything was going well except for the fact that I was receiving threatening messages from Rahul to stop my brother from whatever he was doing.
When I informed the same to my Anna, he told me to ignore those messages but I knew Rahul wouldn't stop sending those messages unless I responded to them.

Arjun became even more caring than before after that cafe incident. He was always after me to take care of myself properly just like a nagging old man.

Another thing, last week our grandfathers returned from their tour and the interesting fact was, our grandfathers were already good friends with each other.

So Attayya and mom arranged a family dinner for our both families and in that dinner, we came to know that Arjun's family and my family belonged to the same village but later moved to the city for business purposes.

While Arjun's grandfather was still living in that village, our grandfather left with my father to the city. That's how both the families lost contact with each other.

Our grandfathers accidentally met once and planned this world tour. Finally, both the friends became relatives through our marriage.

I came out of my thoughts when I heard the pinging of my mobile phone. I knew the message was from Arjun because of the tune.

So I opened and saw the message.

Have your lunch on time - MJ

I smiled a little after reading this message. He never once failed to message me to remind me of it.

I replied to him with an okay and asked him to take the food on time as well.

After thinking of something, I again took my phone and sent a message to him.

[Come home early. I have something important to tell you.]

I received a reply immediately. He just sent me a simple 'okay'. I think he must be pretty busy. So I kept my mobile aside and didn't bother him anymore.

Today, I decided to tell him everything about my past. I gathered some courage to face it.

Reopening my old wounds was surely going to be a difficult task but I had to do it. It wasn't fair on his part when all he did was, being so understanding and caring.

I was sure he would support me once he came to know about my past. I trusted him on that.

Recently, another thing that was confusing me a lot was, whenever Arjun came in front of me, my heart felt like it was going to explode at any time. His single touch was enough to make butterflies do salsa in the pit of my stomach.

I really couldn't understand all these feelings. So I decided to meet my girls to get some clarification. I immediately messaged them in the group and asked them to meet me at the cafe near the hospital.

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