chapter 6✔

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Over those three years where Arjun was training under the eminent lawyer Krishna Murthy, Raghunath was somewhat successful in bringing the company back to track.

Even though the company lost its previous glory that it had achieved under the management of Mr.Sarath, it remained one of the most successful companies.

The year when Raghunath called off Arjun and Anusha's engagement, he had arranged his daughter's marriage to the son of another businessman with the engagement done within the same year, followed by the wedding in the next year.

Bluntly put, it was a marriage of convenience as Raghunath had yet again used Anusha as a stepping stone to further his own business.

Three years on, Raghunath was living a blissful life because of the newfound alliance with another businessman.

As for Arjun, after gaining sufficient knowledge to handle a case, he stepped inside the courtroom for his first-ever hearing.

The case was about the murder of his client's son which was portrayed to be an accident. His client had filed a lawsuit against a businessman who was accused of murdering his son.

Arjun was a plaintiff, but he didn't have sufficient evidence to prove the other party guilty as the case had several loose ends and every such evidence was tactically proven wrong by the opponent.

Arjun had tried his best to make sure that his client's son's murderer was brought to justice, but in the end, it was a defeat for him

He lost his very first case. The accused was released, and his client was punished to pay a penalty for defaming the accused's character.

He was so devastated by the outcome of the case. While coming out of the courtroom, he was humiliated and cursed by the client's family as they were truly the victims in this case.

Instead of getting justice, they got penalized. Their blood boiled upon seeing the accused roam freely before them. So, they emptied their frustration on Arjun despite knowing that the lawyer had tried his level best

It took some time for Arjun to gain his confidence back. He had learned his lesson from the previous case. So, initially, he only accepted those cases that he was sure of winning.

Later, he became a certified hacker approved by the government as he was suggested to the authorities by his grandfather.

Even though he was referred by his grandfather, he had to prove his skills in the tests conducted by the authorities.

At first, he was restricted by a contract that stated that he could only work for the government

Later on, a committee was formed, and the government recommended that Arjun could use his skills in any situation unless it was illegal, non-abiding of law, intruding the privacy of others, and so on.

Arjun agreed to the proposition and assured the government of his services whenever the need would arise.

Nobody knew about him being a hacker except his grandfather and his friends. His friends were also settled in their lives.

Furthermore, Arjun helped his friend Indratan, a police officer, in solving the cases by using his hacking skills.

With each passing day, Arjun became more successful. Except for his first case, all other court cases had the judgments in his favor. He had become a renowned lawyer soon enough.

Later, he also requested the client from his first case to refile the lawsuit against the person who had murdered his son

The client agreed after a lot of persuasion from Arjun's side. At that time the able lawyer collected many clues about the murder and presented all of it in the court meanwhile exposing some dirty secrets of the accused as well. Arjun did not leave any stone unturned that one time.

The results were becoming of his hard work. Arjun won the case and the accused was imprisoned for a lifetime.

His client was extremely happy and also apologized for his previous, rude behavior.

After winning the case that he had lost the first time around, his only focus was Raghunath.

He found out that before Sarath's death, his father had an argument with Raghunath over the phone about the embezzlement of funds.

His father lost his patience and was extremely agitated to the point of getting a heart stroke which led to his death. In short, Raghunath was the one who was indirectly responsible for his father's death.

There was no punishment for that under the law. So, Arjun prepared a big surprise for him with the help of his best friend Indra.

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