chapter 41✔

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Arjun's POV:

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Arjun's POV:

Since Daksha messaged me to go home early, I tidied up my work quickly and was ready to leave but my assistant Tarun rushed to my cabin.

"What's the matter?" I asked him while collecting my suit jacket and some paperwork.

"Someone named Rahul is waiting outside to meet you," he said.

"Okay. Let him come and meet me tomorrow. I have some important work." Saying this, I marched out of my cabin while Tarun was following me behind.

Suddenly, I stopped in my tracks when I registered the name he had just said.

"What did you say is the name of that man?" I asked him with my back facing him.

"His name is Rahul, Sir," he said.

Rahul...Isn't it the same name Daksha muttered in the cafe before losing her consciousness? Could it be possible that they both were the same

I didn't know why but something was telling me to go and meet him. At least to know whether both are the same person. I had to meet him.

"Bring him to the meeting room. I will meet him there." I instructed him and he nodded at me before making his way to bring that person.

I took my phone to inform Daksha but after thinking for a while, I dropped that idea.

I might not be aware of her past but I could understand that she had some bad memories related to that name.

So, I didn't want to frighten her and decided to handle this matter by myself. Moreover, I wasn't sure whether both persons were the same.

With these thoughts, I went to the meeting room to meet that person.

After going inside, I placed my suit aside and sat on the chair while loosening my collar button.

Soon, Tarun brought that person to the room. I lifted my head to take a glance at him. He met my gaze and passed a smirk in my direction.

I narrowed my eyes at him but anyways gestured to him to have his seat.

I know the fact that we shouldn’t judge a person within a single meeting but when I saw that man, I didn't know whether he was a bad person or not but I was sure of one thing, he was definitely not a good person.

After he took his seat, he glanced at me and stretched his hand for a handshake.

"Hello, Mr. Arjun. I am Rahul. Nice to meet you," he said with a slight smirk and I took his hand for a firm handshake.

"Well, I can't say the same," I told him. I might have sounded rude but I didn't care because I felt some kind of enmity with that man.

"Can you state the purpose of your visit and get over with it? I have some important matters to attend," I asked him to which he laughed at my words.

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