Brought Back

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A woosh of light and six women appeared. They looked around, thoroughly confused. "It worked!" A voice exclaimed. They turned to see a young girl, a little bit younger than Ms.Kathrine Howard.

"Who are you? What are we doing here?" Anne Boleyn asked. "I'm pretty sure we were just dead."

"Of course we were you dalcop!" Aragon says, angrily. She turns back to the girl, "Where are we? And who are you?"

"I just asked that." Anne B. muttered bitterly.

"Enough girls. If you'd listen we might find out." Kathrine Parr told them.

"Well, hello. I'm Ms.Fandom. And I brought you here... To show you, you are still appreciated and loved today. Centuries after your deaths. There are books, movies, shows and musicals about you six. Today though we will listen to a awesome musical about your lives."

"A musical?" Little Kathrine Howard asked.

"Yep. It's like a play but everyone is singing. So take a seat." Ms.Fandom gestures to the six seats. They all sat down, slowly, still confused and suspicious.

"Let the show begin!" Ms.Fandom exclaimed, happily. She stood off to the side. A big screen flickered on, making all the queens jump a bit.

The Original Six Wives React to Six: The MusicalWhere stories live. Discover now