Finale In The After Life

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"Mum?" Aragon turns to see a beautiful women standing before her.

"Mary?" She nods. Aragon pulls her into a tight hug. "You, my daughter, were so brave. I've been waiting for this moment."

"I've missed you."

"Me too, sweetie, me too."

"Elizabeth, is that you?"

"It is mum." Elizabeth starts tearing up. They embrace. "Aunt Kitty, is that you?" K.H was pulled into the hug next.

"You are a real queen, Elizabeth and I am so proud."

"Edward... You've grown so much."

"Hello mum."

"My prince.." She started crying, pulling him into a tight hug.

Anne of Cleaves walked up to Mary and gave her a hug. "It is so good to see you Mary. You were a wonderful queen."

"Thank you Anna." Anne turned and saw her sister waiting for her. She turned and walked over to her. She pulled her younger sister into a hug.

"I've missed you Anna."

"I've missed you too Amelia."

(A/N I didn't know about how Thomas was a dick and should die when I wrote this. I'm sorry. I just needed her to see someone she loved at the end. But... Now let's say that she's only happy to see Thomas because if baby Mary)
"Thomas.." Parr smiled. "Mary.."

"Hello, my love. It's been some time." Thomas pulled her into a kiss. "I've been waiting for you."

"I missed you dearly."

"Me too, love, me too. But you're here now and that's all that matters." He hands her baby Mary. Parr smiled and cried happy tears. She was finally where she was meant to be.

And they lived happily ever after.. Just like they all deserved
The End

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