Chapter 2: The song of miracles

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"You have to see the miracles for there to be miracles."

~ Jandy Nelson (I'll Give You the Sun) 


Blue was fairly and reasonably certain that miracles weren't people.

"No," she said in bewilderment. "What does that even mean?"

Miracle smiled as if he were expecting her shock. He must have.

"Tell me, Blue, my Blue," he said, approaching her and slinging a casual arm around her shoulder. "Have you not heard of a miracle?"

"Of course I have--"

Suddenly Miracle cleared his throat and flourished his hands, bursting into a song:

"Oh that poor man who stumbles upon a gold coin,
And that boy whose mother gives him that toy.
The box of food abandoned in the park bench,
A beggar finds and his hunger is quenched.
A boy about to take his last breath,
Tell me, how does he survive death?"

He paused and said in a sing-song voice, "Tell me, Blue, my Blue, what are those?"

Blue grunted and relented with a sigh. "Miracles."

He jumped excitedly, clapping his hand and said, "Yes! Exactly! Now, tell me, who do you think does that?"

Blue frowned. "No one. They are just lucky coincidences--"

"Oh, Blue, my Blue," he interjected, looking highly affronted. "Now calling it a coincidence is just lazy and even insulting. Do you think Mr Han Kuff going your way at the exact moment when you needed help was a coincidence? No! I sent him after you! Granted, it didn't really work. But, anyways, even after working day and night to please you all, I get absolutely no credit! This is unfair! You know what? Perhaps I should go and talk to Unfair. He might be behind this. But then again, I haven't seen him in a while. God knows where he is--"

Blue could only gawk at him in mystification. He was bonkers, she settled. Completely daft.

Miracle seemed to catch her look because he stopped mid-sentence and sighed, "Oh Blue, my Blue, I'm not crazy, I swear. Maybe you're just...bland in taste and imagination."

Blue's eyebrows knitted. She crossed her arms defensively. "What do you mean? Just because I refuse to belief your nonsense drivel--"

Miracle's eyebrows raised and did a complicated dance. "Ah, you're quite wordy, aren't you? It's strangely refreshing from all the unintelligible gibberish of those kids."

"You're a kid too," Blue deadpanned.

Miracle gasped and looked down at himself as if noticing his body for the first time. He moaned in horror. "Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I can't believe I'm back into being a squished bundle of hormones and incompetence!" he wailed.

Then he narrowed his eyes at Blue, gesturing wildly at his body. "This is your fault! You imagined me as this!"

"You're crazy!" Blue yelled. "I didn't do anything!"

He released a deep breath, as if telling himself to be patient. "Oh well, leave it. It makes sense. A twelve-year-old wouldn't imagine me as a hot, sassy piece of hunk. Squished bundles of hormones and incompetence it is then."

Blue glared at him and then abruptly remembered about her cruel enemies. "What happened to Warren? And Sherry? H-How did they that?"

Miracle's eyes darkened as his lips curled distastefully. "He's not Warren, Blue, my Blue. He's...Wrath."

Just when Blue thought things couldn't get any weirder. But then again, hadn't she heard him scream that he was Wrath? What did that even mean? God, people were weird. She needed Timmy, her dog. He was the least weird. Probably because he wasn't human.

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