Chapter 6: A crazy heroine

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Blue opened her eyes as soon as that promised tingle on her belly disappeared and the first thing she saw was....well, blue. The sky was vast above them, a cerulean, cloudless infinity, below which stretched the smooth Baltic Sea.

Miracle and Blue were standing on a long, broad road that looked out onto the sea. Behind them were numerous boldly painted buildings right next to each other. The place was fairly crowded with the locals setting up their markets and tourists all around in their khakis and snapping photos in each and every corner. Blue caught the Finnish language being spoken rapidly amongst the people but a whiff of English floated in between the foreign dialect.

None seemed to bat an eyelash on the fact that two kids had just popped into the street out of nowhere.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Miracle asked, beaming.

"Yeah," Blue admitted, her eyes wide, trying to drink in every detail of this alien place. The cool, salty winds from the sea ruffled her hair as she took deep gulps of the air, refreshing compared to the grimy air in her town.

Blue was familiar with seas and oceans. Their own town was beside one. But their shores had always been rocky and less sandy. And the waters were mucky with the industries near the coast, dumping their filth in it. Here, the sea appeared to be a sparkling sheet of azure with golden beaches, piers and numerous boats and kayaks docked all around.

"C'mon," Miracle said, taking her hand. "Let's move. The sun will set here soon."

Blue followed Miracle as they wove through the people, sometimes moving between their legs.

"How would we know where Happy stays?" Blue asked, panting as they ran.

"I'll feel it," was all Miracle answered.

Blue frowned but decided not to question him. "Where are we even?"

Miracle finally slowed slightly. "Helsinki, Finland's capital," he answered, looking around and then he gasped, pointing at a huge cathedral rising in the distance. "We're in the Senate Square of Helsinki! That's the famous Helsinki Cathedral! Oh and there's the Government Palace! And there's the Helsinki University!"

Blue looked around in awe, mouth slightly apart. Besides, there was a certain thrill in exploring a foreign country without any parent supervision!

Finally, Miracle led them past the crowded, touristy areas and towards the residential areas. They mostly walked but Miracle finally allowed them to take a short bus ride when Blue's legs started aching to the point she refused to move. Of course, when it came to money, Miracle just produced it out of thin air. And still no one looked curious about the two kids, such that Blue became suspicious that Miracle was doing some sort of magic.

She decided that remaining ignorant would be the best option for now.

The neighbourhood was sprawled in an organised maze with stretches of greenery surrounding them. The houses were all very decadent with their wooden, natural feel and vibrant flowers blooming in their gardens.

"I can feel it," Miracle said as they navigated through the streets. "Happy is close."

"He better be," Blue grumbled, the joy having worn off and replaced with tiredness and hunger. Finally, Miracle stopped in front of a small house, in poorer condition as compared to the rest of its neighbours, with the garden overgrown with weeds and the paint slightly chipping off.

Miracle walked slowly towards the front door. Looking back at Blue who gave him an encouraging nod, he knocked softly at the door. Of course, no one answered, but it didn't hurt to try. Shrugging, Miracle turned the knob of the door. It swung open easily.

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