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Anyyeong! Here is the continue of the story 'My First Love'. So! Here is the Cast.



A boy who had a same age with Baekhyun. A basketball team player. He have been crush on Sunghwa since they are dancing together. His father and her father was a best friend. They will arrange their marriage together.


She's still contact with Dyo. Her boyfriend. But her family doesn't like Dyo after all. Her father wants her to forget about Dyo so, he decided to married her with Luhan.

So here it is. Wait, if you're a new reader. Please read a book one. Kamsahamnida!

Book 1

(My First Love (D.O of EXO fanfiction)

I'm in Love Again ( LUHAN and D.O of EXO FANFICTION )Where stories live. Discover now