Chapter 8- a kiss

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"So, what are we watching?" She asks.

"I was thinking maybe 'my neighbor Totoro'?" I say.

"Oh, classic, let's go for it!" She says and I start playing the movie.

We sit there, eating and watching the movie. I look over at (Y/N), wow, she's beautiful, even in just pajamas, she's a natural beauty. She looks back at me and smiles. After about an hour she decided to curl up in my arms. It wasn't weird, we're friends, really good friends. She looks up at me and I look down at her. She sits up a bit still looking into my eyes, she moves closer and leans in. She places her soft lips on mine. I close my eyes enjoying the feeling. She pulls away and giggles a bit.

(Y/N)'s POV

I lean in and kiss him, remembering the feeling I got last time. I pull away and giggle slightly, so does he. We look at eachother for a moment until he moves his lips closer to mine. We kiss again, this time more passionately and longer. We kiss for a while until I pull away to catch my breath.

"I was thinking, if it's okay, that I could stay the night." He says.

"Yeah, I'd like that." I say and we start kissing again.

I pull away and get up to get ready for bed. I smile at him as I go in to the bathroom. I close the door and turn on the tap. I take my toothbrush, put some toothpaste on it and put it under the tapwater for like a second. I brush my teeth and the wash my mouth. I get out and Johnny is still on the couch.

"Where will I be sleeping?" He asks and looks at me.

"In my bed." I say and go towards my bedroom.

I have a bed that fits two or even three people so we should be fine. I take of my pajamas, changing into a pair of comfortable short. He gets in as I take of my shirt and he immediately turns around.

"Sorry." He says.

"It's fine, I usually sleep in this." I say.

I was now in a sports bra and a pair shorts. I lay down on the bed and look at Johnny. He gets in the bed and looks at me.

"You're beautiful." He says which makes me smile, we both chuckle a bit. "You know, I've always liked you, since the day I met you but I was too scared to tell you." He says and I just light up.

"Wow, that's weird." I say.

"Why is it weird?" He asks looking nervous.

"It's weird because I've always liked you. I never though you liked me back so I tried to play it cool and I thought I had moved on, but after you kissed me I realized that I hadn't." I say and he gets really excited.

I kiss him once more before I say goodnight and turn of the lights. We both have our backs towards eachother until my body almost automatically turns around and moves closer to him. He turns so that he's laying on his back, I curl up next to him putting my leg on his legs, I fell asleep in his arms.

Next morning

I wake up and Johnny's still asleep. I slowly and quietly get out of bed and go put on some clothes. I check my phone and notice that I have about three missed calls from Jim, two from Harvey and four from Eddie. I get my things together and go towards my bedroom door. As I open the door I hear a groan from behind me.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." I say.

"Come back to bed?" He asks in his raspy morning voice.

"I can't I have a job to do, don't you?" I ask.

"Nope, I'm free today." He says still sleepy.

"Good for you, a detective in Gotham never gets a day off." I say, I go to Johnny and give in a quick kiss on the lips and then go to get my shoes and my jacket on. "Bye!" I yell from the hallway.

"Bye." He says.

I go down to the car and drive towards the precinct. When I get to the precinct I'm greeted by a pissed Jim, Harvey's right behind him.

"Where have you been?! I tried to call you three times." Jim says.

"And I tried to call you twice." Harvey says.

"I know I know." I say, motioning for them to calm down. "I had a sleepover and kind of slept through my alarm." I say.

"Thank god, you're okay." Eddie says as he almost runs over to us. "You got me worried." He says.

"Yeah, you got us all worried, you have never been late for work in your three years here." Jim says.

"I know but I'm here now so let's just get on with our day." I say. "Eddie, can I talk to you?" He nods and I pull him aside.

"Yesterday was really nice but I think that we should stay friends for now." I say, doubting if I should've.

"Oh, okay." He says and he looks kind of sad and disappointed.

"Sorry." I say.

"It's okay, at least you said it before it became something more." He says and goes to do his job.

Edward's POV

I walk back to the medical examination room. I get in and just sit there, sad and slightly heartbroken. I just sit there when Lee walks I to the room.

"Hey, Ed." She says and walks to the hangers put her things down and hang up her coat. "What's wrong." She says as she turns to me and looks at me.

"Nothing." I say and just sit there.

"There's definitely something, you're all down, you're not yourself." She says.

"I'm not?" I say, more confused that I wanted it to be.

"No, Ed, you're not. Now, what has happened?" She asks.

"It's nothing, it's between me and (Y/N). I'll just have to deal with it myself, there's nothing you can do anyway." I say.

"You sure, Ed?" She asks.

"Yes, I am, thanks anyway." I say and she goes back to work.

Word count: 1044 words

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