Chapter 10- did you?

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I put my phone back in my pocket and look up at them. Harvey and Jim look a bit worried and Johnny looks confused.

"It's Lee, she wants to talk a bit so I'll be back soon." I say, they nod and I walk away to the ME's office.

Before I reach the ME's office I see Eddie, I smile at him and waving hello. He smiles back but I can tell that he's not himself. Did I do that? When I get to the ME's office I know on the door, I hear Lee and she tells me to come in.

"You know that you don't need to knock." She says and I laugh a bit.

"Well, I don't want to walk in on anything." I say and we both laugh. "Don't you remember when I walk in on you and Jim." I say and she laughs even more.

"Oh yeah, that was one time though and by the way, Jim was with you when I messaged you, right? So how could he had been here." She says.

"Valid point, valid point." I say and laugh. "So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask.

"It's Ed. He isn't himself and he says that it's between you and him but as a friend of both of you I kind of want to know. You don't have to tell me but I'd really like to know." She says.

"Okay, I'll tell you." I say and she makes herself ready to hear it. "So, Ed and I went on a date last night, it was really nice and we had fun but later that night Johnny came by my apartment and wanted to have a sleepover, like the good old days." I say.

"Wait, Jonathan Crane?" She asks and I nod. "Wow." She adds.

"Anyway, it went somewhere and I felt something that I knew I wouldn't feel with Ed, I felt that ending it now would be better than playing along and fake it and/or play along and then break his heart." I say.

"Smart move, but you and Dr. Crane did..." She says and motions with her hands.

"No! No! We didn't, we just made out for a while." I say and she laughs a bit.

"You know that I'm a person who chooses friendship over work, right?" She says and I nod. "So, when you actually do it..." She says and I stop her.

"Ew gross, Lee, I'm not going to tell you about my sex life." I say and we both start laughing hysterically for a few minutes.

We continue laughing until we hear a knock on the door. We stop laughing as the door opens; it's Jim. I wave and he smiles.

"Sorry, Lee, but we need (Y/N) back, may I?" He says, Lee nods and I give her a quick hug.

Jim and I walk to our desks where a bunch of other cops are standing. I look confused at them all and Ramerez comes up to us.

"Detective (Y/LN), we found something right outside of the apartment complex that Mr. Nygma lives in." Ramerez says and gives me a bag with a can in it. "Must have fallen out of someone's window, there's a symbol on it and we believe that it is..." He says before I interrupt him.

"Scarecrow's symbol?" I say and he nods. "Okay, it's possible evidence so put it in the evidence room." I say and so he does.

"Should we question him?" Jim asks.

"Who?" I ask.

"Ed." He says in more of a whisper this time. "He could be a possible witness." He says.

"True, but you don't think he could be Scarecrow, right?" I ask.

"No, he's a bit to soft." He says.

"If you want to then you can do it, I don't want to bother him anymore." I say and Jim nods.

Later that day

"Don't be late tomorrow, okay? We don't want to worry about you again."  Jim says. "Ah, come here." He says and hugs me.

"When did James Gordon become so... Huggy?" I ask jokingly and hug him back. "Have a good time now." I say to both Jim and Harvey.

"You sure that you can't come with?" Harvey asks.

"Nah, I'm too tired." I say.

"Even though you woke up later than usual?" Jim asks jokingly.

"Even though I woke up later than usual." I say, laughing a bit.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Harvey says. "Have fun with Crane." He says and winks.

"Haha, very funny, Harvey." I say and they then leave.

I turn around and start walking towards my desk. I get my stuff together so that it's done when I leave. Sarah Essen, the captain, has already left, so has every cop and other staff member here, it's just me and Johnny. By the way, where is he? I look around and don't see him anywhere. I proceed to walk around and search for him. I turn a corner and there he is, I give a slight scream and he puts his arm around my waist. He laughs a bit and I jokingly hit him.

"What was that for?" I ask and he gives me a kiss.

"Just a bit of fun." He says and we start making out.

He pushes me against the wall behind us. We move from that corridor to the interrogation room to the back room to my desk and finally to the ME's office. He pushes me on the counter and gets on top of me. I don't know where this is going but I seem to like it, I don't stop it so I guess I like it. We continue making out and he starts playing with my zipper; pulling it up and down, over and over again. He's teasing me, he's doing it on purpose. He pulls the zipper up and stop there. He pulls away and grins. My face looks disappointed and shocked at the same time.

"Oh sweetheart, not here, you'll have to wait." He says and helps me up. "Now, let's get home." He says.

Word count: 1021 words

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