Chapter 13- Jonathan's fault

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"Jonathan Crane, you put me down right now!" I yell as I kick.

"Sweetheart, shh, you can't be yelling my actual name." He says calmly as he puts me down.

"Do you want me to call you Scarecrow instead?!" I exclaim and he covers my mouth immediately.

"No, not that either." He says. "I'm sorry, I thought you'd see it." He says and takes off his mask.

"I also heard that you visited Eddie's apartment." I say. "When did you do this and what did you do?" I ask and he just looks at me.

"Oh c'mon, honey. Don't be that way." He says, he puts his hands on my arms and starts rubbing up and down slowly.

"What way?" I ask, but I don't get a response. "What way, Jonathan!?" I ask more aggressively this time.

"Well, I was just protecting you, I was clearing up the fact that you didn't like him." He says.

I sigh. "And when did you do this?" I ask and he also sighs.

"After your date, before I came to you and slept over." He says looking like he regretted it.

"I can't believe you." I say and start walking away.

"(Y/N)." He says.

I rapidly turn around. "Eddie doesn't want to talk to me, he actively ignores me and it's all because of you!" I point a finger at him.

"And you didn't do anything, right? It's not like you went on a date with the guy and then the exact same night, you made out with me." He says.

"I might have done that, but at least I didn't go to his place, dressed like a scarecrow, telling him that the girl he likes doesn't like him back! A FUCKING SCARECROW!" I yell so that basically everyone can hear.

"You better lower your voice or else." He hisses.

"Or else what?" I ask. "You're going to use your fear toxin on me? Again?! Good luck!" I yell.

"I warned you." He says and walks towards me.

I turn around and try to start running, but I'm not quick enough. Without even realizing it, Jonathan has grabbed me and pinned me against a cold, brick wall in the alley. He looks into my eyes and his are filled with rage. They're dark, but they almost burn into my soul. My heart starts beating harder and faster, my breathing suddenly becomes uneven and I get this weird feeling.

"Aww, are you nervous?" He asks. "Am I making you nervous?" He whispers in my ear.

I try not to make a sound, but I accidentally moan instead.

"Oh no, I'm not making you nervous, I'm turning you on." He says and places the hand that isn't holding me against the wall on my thigh, slowly moving it up.

I whimper at his touch even though I don't want to. He, of course, notices this and smirks at me. He continues to move his hand up my thigh until his hand is in between my legs. Thankfully, or maybe not, I am wearing pants. My body tells me to just rip my clothes off and let him do whatever he pleases, but my brain knows that it's a bad idea, plus, I'm still mad at him.

"Oh, come on, darling, you want me, I can tell." He says and smirks.

"I- I- I have to go." I say and shove him off.

I start sprinting back to my apartment. I run over the road, barely checking if any cars are on their way. I open the door to the apartment complex as quick as possible and I start running up the stairs. When I arrive on my floor, I slow down and catch my breath. I calm down and walk in.

"Welcome back. What took you so long?" Jim asks.

"I ended up in some situation, but it's fine now." I say and both Jim and Harvey look concerned.

"If you say so." Harvey says, but he still looks concerned.

"So, have you found anything?" I look at them.

"No, we haven't." Jim states. "We were about to stop the search here and go back to the precinct." He adds.

"Okay, sounds good." I say.

"Sorry for the fuss, (Y/N). We needed to be sure." Harvey says.

"Oh no, it's fine. You're just doing your job." I say. "Who's driving?" I ask, smiling towards them.

They both smile and Jim shows his keys. We walk out of my apartment, down the stairs and out of the door. There's the air again, the cold air hitting me. I stand there, looking at the houses before the alley Johnny was in. I freeze in my spot which Jim and Harvey notice.

Suddenly there's a hand on my back. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Jim asks.

"You don't look so well." Harvey states.

I shake out of my thoughts. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I state.

"Are you sure? You know what, we can drive to the nearest store, buy you some snacks or something and you can get the rest of the day off." Jim says.

"Wait, what? No. I can't! I have to work!" I state.

"You deserve it, (Y/N), you've worked harder than any detective or cop in Gotham, ever." Harvey says.

"And that's why I have to work." I state.

"No, it's final, we're getting you some snacks and you're taking the rest of the day of." Jim demands and at this point, I can't say no.

"Fine." I sigh.

I get in the car and we drive to a store about five minutes away. I get a chocolate bar, a bag of chips and two cans of sprite. We walk up to stand in line. As I try to get my wallet out, Jim notices and stops me. I look up at him looking really confused. 

"I'm paying." he demands, quite monotone.

"But Jim-" I start.

"No buts, I'm paying for it." he states once again and turns to look straight forward. 

I put my wallet back in my pocket and I stay quiet after that. Jim pays for my things and we start walking back to the car. I get in and just sit there, lip syncing to the music on the radio. All of a sudden, the music stops and a lady's voice is on the radio, it's the news.

"The Scarecrow is back in action! Two people were found dead in the city, both having the so called 'Scarecrow's symbol' on their bodies. The bodies haven't been indentified yet, but the Gotham PD are working on it." 


Word count: 1089 words

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