A patriotic melody ( fourth of july!) 3

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Drip drip goes the tears
Alfred just stood in his seat trembling with sobs that he could no longer contain. You may be wondering why is America crying, well let's rewind a bit shall we?

The countries laughed and laughed they pointed at America and shouted insults"Slut,whore,fat pig,knockoff country, you don't deserve to live,I can't believe you're the world superpower" they kept on reappearing the insult even his sibling and close friends bullied. They did this for decades he could remember the first insult "I wished I never colonized you!" England(revolutionary war). "You fucking bitch! I hope you're happy!"Canada(1812 burning of Ontario). "How could betray me like this?! After I helped get independence you ungrateful child!" France(French revolution) he never wanted to do this action but was forced to because of his government. He started tremble trying contain tears of pain,depression,sadness and betrayal that seemed to be coming out any second. Suddenly grabbed his arm and digged his nails in until his arm started bleed, he then felt something wet on his face tears?
End of rewind

More and more tears started pouring out of his eyes he abruptly stood up looking at all the countries before he ran off somewhere.

Countries POV: I actually can't believe we managed to make him break....... was he depressed? Was that smile and laughter all just a mask? Now that I think of lately he has been rather weird lately
Getting dangerously thin everyday, sunken cheeks
Low energy
eye bags
And finally Eyes that seem dull no longer holding dreams,wishes,freedom and innocence but instead dull,pain,sadness and depression.
"Oh shit..." all the countries said, they all looked at each other before high tailing it to wherever America went.

America POV:
I kept on running and running I couldn't it stop, tears streaking on my face I suddenly stopped to catch my breath before sobbing. When I looked up I saw a parade but it wasn't marching but looking at me, I supposed because of my crying people paused and that caused other people to stop. Two families came up to America one these families consisted of a was two gay moms and one son they had the American flag painted on their faces. While the other family had a mother and father two sons and 3 daughters and a grandma they all had a hat that said "Even though the country has flaws.The true patriots will still love the USA" both of the family's had American inspired outfits. The grandma and one of the lesbian came up to him, the lesbian helped picked up Alfred while the old lady asked "what happened to you?" (The citizens know their nations by their aura btw) the grandma asked sweetly "my fellow nations like to bully me a lot and today I had enough especially since it was my birthday" he said sadly "they don't deserve then! Every country has its flaws so why does that make you more different?" One of the daughter asked "I'm not quite sure..." Alfred said "hmm,oh why don't you sing a song!,it's a honour to have our nation sing!" The dad shouted a chorus of agreements were heard 'Alfred did liked singing but what if the nations bully him about his voice............Oh you what screw it!' He picked himself up "ya know what that doesn't sound bad"

All of the girls from both of the families took him to a shop a few minutes later he came out wearing

All of the girls from both of the families took him to a shop a few minutes later he came out wearing

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