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Buckle up everyone cuz we're going to angst town!
Also here's are disclaimers:
9/11 amnesia
I do not mean to offend any Muslims out there
Countries included:
FCE Family, Nordics G8, the Americas and Spain

Heavily based of OliviaGuardabascio he is America (you should check out just saying) may be almost like I copied
Also the doctors know that Alfred is America so they know the other nations
September 11 2001
"Who are you?"
"Mijo! Where are you?!"
"Come on now son I know you can make it"
A time that will always be part of history
September 11 2001

It was a sunny morning you could hear children laughing, see workers trying to make their way to work in time, the cars honking
Their stood Alfred looking at New York City he reminisce the days where he was just a mere colony weak and small. And now a country who was world superpower whose strength is unmatched graced by history and diversity "Alfie! Sorry that we came late!" A feminine voice called out there was his family the Americas,nordics, his colonisers and the g8, "it's fine Maria I know New York City is kinda hectic" he flashed a smile to his sister who smiled back "sooo hermarno what are we going to be doing?" South Mexico asked(Diego) "hmm why don't we go walk and shop?" France suggested "yeah then we can get wasted!" Argentina shouted and gotten agreements from the Americas "NO YOU WAZZOCKS!" England shouted getting near by looks from the humans "well it was worth a try eh" Matthew said "Mijo!" Spain shouted "yeah papai?" Alfred replied back "I love you" Spain said to him smiling a cheeky one "love you too papai". Alfred chuckled at this but managed to stop "alright let's go on a walk" Finland said Sweden nodded at his "wife" they got a chorus of agreements from the others. He gave them a tour around while telling a bit of history to them that they were entranced, except for England because of the mentions of independence and revolution but non the last they enjoyed it
15 minutes later~
Everyone in the group wanted to do something separately so they sorted into smaller groups to do different activities
(The axis including south Italy and Prussia
The g8 disincluding The FACE family
South America divided in 4 groups
Nordics, Face,Spain and the Mexico's)

They all waved goodbye before heading to a spot "sooo.. what do u wanna-" Alfred didn't had the time finishing his sentence before being tackled into pile of leaves by the FCE and nordics who were now sitting on top of him of pinning his body down "fuck.. why are so heav...vy get off of me you assholes" Alfred panted to his relief they got off of him which felt like heaven but was met with a bunch of leaves to his face by south Mexico and Spain those little cheeky bastards! "Sorry Mijo! It was just too tempting!" Spain pleaded to his son while the others were just giggling like crazy to which the humans found creepy. But then they heard a click! "Here you go miss!" A teenager boy handed a white Polaroid camera to north Mexico "thank you sir!" She said happily before being hit by a pile of leaves "aiti I know you did it" she turned around and face the nordics "leaves fight!" Denmark shouted. The humans saw how much fun they were having that they started throwing leaves too.

30 minutes later I know it's kinda boring
Alfred laughed as he saw his family lunging leaves at each other
Brrrrrrrr a plane? I though there wouldn't be any planes especially on a week day
Wait why was it coming closer to the twin towers?
"Everyone there is a plane crashing into the towers!" Every to went chaos some ran, others ran to the towers, some screamed and the other stood there shocked, the nations looked around to see Alfred but saw him screaming in agony and pain miles away but he didn't stop he kept on running and running the other nations saw it and started to high tailed it to America but he just ran, he ran and ran and ran disappearing into the black,ashy smoke the countries searched for him while looking for survivors they managed to rescue some before seeing Alfred running with with two woman, a man and a little boy
With America
He looked around and saw people jumping out the windows to save their lives he managed to catch some of them of them but most of them injured their selves or died
He kept on running deeper into the smoke, he ran into it shouting and scrambling to see a person "Hello! Is anyone there!?" He shouted more loudly than before "Over here sir! Please help me and my children!" A weak voice called he ran to where the voice was seeing a mother protecting her daughter and son who were shaking and sobbing, the boy looked up "*gasp* it's superman!" He said Alfred hoisted the family up "yup! The hero is here to save you" as he ran to the stairs he saw the fire the only choice was to.. jump "get ready for impact!" He jumped out of the window the mother screamed afraid as did the children he managed to get on ground but injured his bones a lot the family got off him and looked at him "thank you....

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