Part Seventeen - Finale

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The night shift rushed in waves once again, sending the partners chasing calls over the east side. But they knew the routine now, had seen almost everything that could come their way, and operated with confidence amidst the terrors of the darkness.

Around 1:00AM they encountered a Diseased that seemed particularly determined to escape. It darted though the black, dodging the beams of their flashlights, leaving them only glimpses of its reflective yellow eyes. Due to its commitment to avoidance, Jasper and October decided they'd corner it, and thus split up momentarily to herd it to the trapping path between two buildings.

Sprinting through the night, Jasper kept it running while October stayed in position on one side of the alley. Their mission was successful- soon it was halted between them. Yet moments before they could neutralize it, it leapt onto the fire escape, clambering toward the roof.

October- needing a boost to reach the ladder- went up first after being lifted by her partner. Arms and legs climbing with smooth rapidity, she managed to stay on its tail with Jasper right behind. They followed it four stories up, into the biting winds above the city. Recognizing the thing was considering jumping from this roof onto the adjacent apartment building across a ravine that led down to the asphalt, October- gun still in its holster- barreled toward it, intent on taking it out first.

The thing backed toward the edge, and Jasper, from his vantage point just above the ladder, watched his partner swing a punch toward their target. Not understanding the position it was in, the Diseased stepped away, and was sent tumbling off the cliff edge. October, hopelessly being dragged by the momentum of her attack, followed after.

Jasper heard her shriek his name, and faster than he had ever sprinted in his life, dove toward the other side, capturing his partner by the wrist just before she would have left his reach. Her violet eyes were glossy with sheen of future tears as she found his horrified gaze through the dark. Swiftly, he pulled her up to him, clasping her to his chest.

She clung to him as he retrieved his gun and sent one bullet through the motionless body of their target on the ground. After that was done, he collapsed back onto the chilled metal of the roof, cradling his partner in his lap.

In shock himself, Jasper endeavored to slow his breathing for October, as she shook with silent sobs in his arms. Keeping her close with one hand on the small of her back, he stroked her hair calmingly with the other, burying his head into her shoulder to convince himself that she was here, she was safe, she was warm below his touch and that scent of oranges he now loved so much was still there to surround him.

Soon, she managed to lean just enough away to see his face. Wiping her eyes she exhaled. "Fuck. That was terrifying."

Shining a smile that was equal parts pained and relieved, Jasper admitted: "For me too." Giving one hand a break from smoothing her hair, he lifted his thumb to her cheek, helping to dry her tears.

Choking up, October muttered. "I feel like an idiot."

"You're not an idiot." Her partner assured her softly, but she remained frustrated with herself, avoiding his stare.

"I tripped off a roof and now I'm crying."

With a sincere grin he promised. "You're still amazing." Then added something that Hunters ought to think about every once in a while. "Plus, you're allowed to cry sometimes. This job is a lot."

A chuckle escaped her aching chest. "It really fucking is, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Jasper responded, before placing his crooked index finger below her chin, and gently lifting her focus to his earnest red gaze. "I've got you, October. I know you feel like you have to prove yourself constantly, but you made it. You're still the strongest person in the room, even if you let yourself be a little overwhelmed occasionally."

She nodded with one last sniffle. "Thanks." Searching his face for understanding, she placed her palms on his chest. "And I've got you too. You know that, right?"

"I know." Studying the stars in each other's eyes, they breathed together, October melting into Jasper's embrace as he tightened his arm around her waist just slightly. This was the closest they'd ever been, and as fear ebbed and was replaced by longing, he traced her delicate jawline while she nestled into his palm. Finally, realizing he was holding the most important person in his arms, he whispered. "There's something here, isn't there?"

Voice wavering, she confirmed. "Yes, there is." Then, after a tiny bite to her lip, she questioned, peering at him through sooty lashes. "But what are we supposed to do about it?"

Snuggling her farther into his lap Jasper murmured. "Whatever we want to do." Speaking to her eyes, to her lips, he asked. "What do you want, October?"

With a sigh, October let her last inhibitions drift off into the dim and answered with all the desperation she'd been hiding. "For you to finally kiss me."

Needing that more than anything he'd ever needed in his life, Jasper beamed, then guided her face to his, and captured her in an electrifying kiss that confessed more eloquently his overwhelming feelings for her than any words he could ever profess. Sinking in the moment, October tangled her fingers in his hair as he tugged her to his core. Falling all at once, they realized that this is what they'd been missing since before they'd even met, since before their barriers lowered and since before they saved each other time and time again. Together, connected, no space between them- how had they never let themselves experience this perfection before?

Eventually the passionate dance had to come to an end, and foreheads leaning together, Jasper was the first to remember reality.

Sighing as he brushed October's collarbone with his thumb, needing some continued contact, he said. "We're still on the job, aren't we?"

His partner thought for a moment, then letting one hand drift down from his shoulder, pointed off the edge of the building. "It's dead?"

Jasper nodded. "Super dead."

A sly smile crept onto her face. "We call it in and we have five minutes."

Pulling her closer, Jasper joked out one sentence- "I like the way you think, Officer Hauntings"- before trapping her in another feverish kiss.

Stay tuned for the three part epilogue!

Updates Mon./Fri. After 4:00PM

Next Update: June 29, 2020

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