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It's finally here! The day of my very first training session! I am a nervous wreck. But I have to go, because I want to represent District 1 in the games some day. So I forced myself out of bed and down to the kitchen. My parents greet me with wide smiles and say "Today's the day." I reply with just a confident smile. Although I am not confident. My parents have very high standards, and if I don't meet them I am beaten. My mother then brings me a plate loaded with sausage and eggs. I hate that food, it makes me want to vomit. But they have a rule about no sweets. So I just force it down my throat. My parents order me to go get dressed into athletic clothes and do my hair, which I don't understand, because when I get there I have to wear a uniform. But whatever. I braid my long blonde hair into a French braid. I look into the mirror and see someone totally different. In my heart I know that I'm not meant for the games. I turn around and head downstairs. There is no time for feeling sad. We live only a mile away from the training center, so I just walked. I get there and I see big strong boys, they almost look like men. I also see powerful girls. I looked nothing like them. Just before I get to the front of the line, I remember that I have to act confident. The trainers hand me my uniform and lead me too the dressing room. Quickly I got dressed. Finally finished, I walked out of the room expecting instruction. I was wrong. After standing there for probably a good 10 minutes, I walked over to the knot tying station. In the corner of my eye I saw a tall skinny boy walk over to me. He said, "Hi my name is Marvel." I looked at him for a second and then replied "Nice to meet you, my name is Glimmer." Marvel then kept trying to talk to me. I was very annoyed. The gong sounded for the end of training. Then I realized I wasted that whole day listening to Marvel and tying knots. I hurried up and left tears filling my eyes with disappointment.

That went on for about 8 years. Every day I would walk to the training center, do a skill with Marvel blabbing in the background.

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