Random Platonic KageHina

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Well, this some dumpster trash that took me a week to write. Please let me know what y'all think.

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"What do you mean I'm not allowed to see him?"

Tanaka caught Shouyo around his middle as he leaped at the terrified nurse like an untamed beast, eyes wild and teeth bared. He struggled with all his might against the older guard, legs flailing and arms clawing. "I'm his goddamn consort!"

Sugawara looked torn between feeling bad for the nurse and amused at the way Shouyo was behaving. He turned away, pretending to cough into his hand to hide his grin.

The nurse held her trembling hands out passively. "Consort Hinata, I beg you." She pleaded. "Prince Kageyama is in no condition to see anyone, not even his consort. He suffered a terrible blow to the head. He will likely not even know who you are!"

"What?" Shouyo roared, struggling even harder as the words left the nurse's mouth. "How dare you say that to me! I am Kageyama's consort, his partner in every way possible! He would recognize me by touch and hearing alone!"

Tanaka tightened his grip on the younger boy, grunting with extortion as he tried to keep him from attacking the nurse. "Hinata, calm down! It's not her fault, she's just doing her job!"

Shouyo still struggled, his teeth gritted and his face flushed from anger. "I'm not gonna calm down until she lets me see Kageyama! Which I'm doing even if I have to fucking injure myself again to do it!"

Those words apparently caught Sugawara's attention, as he finally moved from his spot by the door and stood in front of Shouyo, his smile gentle, but half-hearted. "Hinata, please don't go to such lengths to be put in the infirmary when you were just taken out of it not even two nights ago. Prince Kageyama would be upset, and you know he would, if you hurt yourself like that."

He gestured vaguely to the bandage on Shouyo's cheek, where he had been struck by an enemy soldier during the battle and had his cheek split open. Kageyama had been furious then, and he would be furious now if he learned that Shouyo planned on doing worse, slicing his arm open until the threat of death by bloodloss was fast approaching.

At Sugawara's gentle coaxing, Shouyo's struggles reduced, but he still weakly swung at Tanaka in defiance. "Please," he whispered. "Just let me see him, please. I want to be there when he wakes up, if he's alone he's going to think I abandoned him!"

The nurse hung her head, her eyes shining with emotion and her face contorted with indecision. "I..."

"What in the seven hells are you four yelling about?"

The nurse let out a gasp of surprise and turned to the source of the voice, as did the heads of the three young men.

In the doorway to the infirmary, stood the object of the whole debate, Prince Kageyama Tobio.

He leaned heavily against the doorway, his eyes dark and unfocused but still burning with a passionate fire. His chest and head were swathed in white bandages, and his cheek was marked with careful stitches. He didn't look terrible for a young man who took a blow to the head from the hilt of a sword, but he did look terrible for also being a young man who was run through by aforementioned sword.

Shouyo felt tears spring from his eyes and his struggling returned tenfold. He reached out as far as he could, his fingers aching to run through Kageyama's hair. "Kageyama!" He cried.

Kageyama blinked once, as if his brain was processing who just called out his name. Then, his eyes widened and he was moving, pushing past the nurse and yanking Shouyo from Tanaka's hold with one strong pull.

They just stared at each other for a few heartbeats after that, eyes wide and determined, not quite believing that the other was here in front of them and was unharmed.

Shouyo smiled, bringing up one hand to gently cup Kageyama's stitched cheek. "Hey, Bakayama." He whispered softly.

Kageyama's lips twitched, his own hand ruffling Shouyo's hair. "Hey dumbass." He whispered back. 

Shouyo smiled even wider, carefully placing his head on Kageyama's chest, practically melting into the prince's embrace. Kageyama's grip was tight around his middle, but Shouyo didn't care. Kageyama was here, awake and alive, and that was all he cared about.

He strained his neck foward, trying in vain to kiss Kageyama's cheek and instead accidentally brushing his collarbone. He pulled his head back and puffed his cheeks out in annoyance. Kageyama chuckled, amused at his actions.

"Kageyama," he groaned softly, drawing out Kageyama's name in as whiny of a voice as he could muster. "You're too tall, come closer so I can kiss you."

Kageyama chuckled again, his entire face dusted a light pink. "And you're too short, dumbass. How about you grow some centimeters and then you can kiss me?"

Shouyo growled, his own face heating up in embarrassment. "That's not fair, Bakayama! You know I can't grow anymore!"

Kageyama stuck his tongue out playfully, making Shouyo's heart skip a beat. "Then I guess you aren't getting any kisses today." He paused.

"Or any day." He added, seemingly as an afterthought.

Shouyo laughed. "You jerk!"

The two were broken from their moment by the sound of Sugawara clearing his throat. They turned to look at the older male.

Tanaka was trying in vain to muffle his laughter from behind Sugawara, one hand pressed heavily agaisnt his mouth. The nurse looked traumatized by what she just witnessed, her mouth agape. Sugawara smiled at them.

"Alright boys, I think that's quite enough of that. At least take it somewhere more private, please."

Behind Sugawara, Tanaka collapsed onto his side, his hysterical laughter bouncing off the thick walls of the infirmary.

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