First Impressions

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Tommy gripped the steering wheel hard, chewing his lip. His heart was pounding out of his chest as he replayed his and Vince's phone call in his mind.

His friend since high school had called him up in the middle of the night, completely ecstatic.

"Tommy! Tommy, you up man?!"

"Wh...I..I am now. Why are you calling in the morning?"

"I couldn't wait any longer! I got myself a band! A real band that actually wants to get big and not just do cover shit!"

Tommy groaned, head falling back on the pillow,"Can we talk about this tomorrow? I need sleep."

"No, no, no! You don't understand....we need a drummer."

That perked Tommy's interest,"I...are you saying you suggested me? What if I'm not good enough?"

Vince sighed,"Shut up, Lee. You know you're a killer drummer." His voice took on a sing song tone," Pluuus...the bassist is pretty cuuute~"

Tommy flips on to his stomach, head in his hand and feet swinging behind him. He chuckles softly,"How cute?"

"Well he's got wild black hair, vibrant green eyes, smooth, ruby lips, a killer jawline. He's pretty tall, maybe an inch shorter than you, sharp nose and flawless skin. His name is Nikki. Nikki Sixx."

Tommy does a double take,"From London?!"

"Yeah. Got in a fight with the singer. Says it's over with them. He met me at a Denny's and then we already had an instant guitarist."

Tommy was still trying not to freak out at the idea of talking to Nikki fucking Sixx. But he forced a laugh and asked,"Let me guess..."

They both finished in unison,"Mick."

Vince giggled,"What? He's my boyfriend and he's god at guitar!"

"I suppose I'll have to look into this. When do want me to be there?"

"Gimme a second...NIKKI!" There was shuffling then a pompfing sound. Tommy guessed Vince had dropped the phone.

He could faintly hear the conversation, but not what they said.

More shuffling.

"Still there, Tommy?"


"Nikki wants you at like noon tomorrow. You know Mick. Never before eleven."

"I'm a little nervous but...I'll be there," Tommy said.

So that's why Tommy was here, driving down the street with white knuckles and a palpatating heart. He was having second thoughts as he pulled into the street address Vince had given him, and even more so when he pulled up to the apartments.

He got out of his car and walked through the lobby and into the building,"Don't screw up, don't screw up, don't screw up, don't-"

Tommy was in front of the door, but he couldn't move. Once he opened this door, it was a huge first impression. He had to do it right or...yeah time to start digging a hole to crawl into.

He took a deep breath through his nose and knocked on the door.

"It's open!" came Mick's yell. Heart basically stalled, Tommy opened the door and stepped into the arguably shitty apartment.

Vince was sitting at the small dining room table, scribbling something. He looked up and when he saw Tommy, he squealed,"TOMMY'S HERE!"

He ran over and picked Tommy up, spinning him around, only to accidently drop him. Tommy gave a yell as he fell flat on his ass.

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