(Y/n) History run in

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Original : June 26, 2020
Edit : Sep 19 ,2021

A few moments ago I had a run in with a somewhat enemy and a childhood friend. Now im suffering in math class as the rest of the girls including Emma glared at me.

"Dam it.  If I ignored him I get glared at and if I don't I still get glared at". I grumbled as I slam my head on the desk. "I hate my life "

"So class this is how is done to solve for X." Ms.Heather says as she shows on the whiteboard how to well solve for X totally ignoring my head slam.

I turn my head to side to seee Damian paying attention.  I glared at him. "Lucky bastard smiling so innocently. Your the reason im getting glared at kid."

"Bell thank you."  I said in my head as I get my stuff ready to run to my History class.

"Hey (Y/- "Damian gets cut off by Emma tackling him in a hug and with that I run as fast as I can To Mr.Browns class.

As I run I see a girl put her foot in my way so I jump over it. Like hell im letting my backpack fall on me that shits heavy. If I do that Damian might use it as an excuse to talk to me. Yea no not happening.

I entered my class catching my breath and see my friend Leslie. She has chesnut colored hair. Her hair is short to her chin and has black rim glassed that cover her light brown eyes. Shes short and chubby and flat out adorable but kid can bust your kneecaps. Shes wearing a pastel purple hoodie with a dark purple skirt. Pastel leggings that show her thick thighs and pastel pink flats. A nice pink ribbon tied like a bow on the top of her head. She's so cute.

I ran towards her and hug her.
"Gah so cute " I squealed as I rub my cheek against hers. As I cuddle near her.
She squirms around trying to shove me off.

"HEY! Cut that out You Idiot".She yells at me before punching my stomach. I crumble on the floor and weep. Holding my stomach in pain. 

"MY BABY NO LONGER LOVES MEH! " I cried as I get kick in the head.

"Stop it you moron " Leslie said as she look at me with her angelic eyes. Well she was glaring at me and scowling but she looked like an angel to me.

"So do you still love meh? " I question as my eyes shines with hope.

"No" With that my hope shatters.

And now im crying on the floor again.
That is until the teacher comes in and sees me groveling on the floor. He sees me but just ignores me. Pretty sure im making him question himself on why he chose this job , but this became a regular thing. 

"Ok student's today we will learn about the near Vinary era and how Queen Emily  had a son that turn into a King and that he had a son who will become King himself.

Everyone groans, we all know this. History always repeats. 

"But theres a twist to this tale. The King and his son aren't what they seem. Legends says they where cut from the family tree, and as we all know the Future King and his son died of an accident. They all so say they where vampires wuahahah" Mr.Brown laughs evilly as his glasses gave a glint making him look more creepy. 

We all just stared at him as we sweatdrop.

"You guys are boring. Its true I tell you. " Mr. Brown whine at our lack of excitement.

"Mr.Browns im pretty sure your mistaken the Future King and his son died in a carriage accident and im pretty sure what you dub as vampires is actually witch craft ." A girl stated.

"Then explain how all the Royal family lives for a long time huh?" Mr.Brown whines and pouts along with crossing his arms over his chest.

"Um the the Royal family is rich no? So they have better food, an exercise coach and better health insurance. That could be the reason " I said as I look at him.

He just pouts and huffs.

"Fine don't belive me. All of you have a history report to do about the Vinary era.  The before and after. I give You a date and a subject and you will bring me your report by the end of this month." Mr. Brown said as he hands us folded slips.

I open mind
Vinary era after 1700-1900
Royal family
Name of the Kings and Queens along with the Prince and Princess
Uncover secrets and name of rumors of each one and facts about them
                         Due - October 31

I glared at my teacher. Is this payback or something. I see him smirking boi why you do this to me. I though we were chill. I internally cry.

I turn to face Leslie.
"Yo Les what did you get?" I question.

"I got murders in the Vinary era. So im practically playing a detective, giving facts and how the murderer murdered his or her victims. " Leslie stated as she push her glasses up. I groan in misery.

"Lucky I preferred doing that than learning rumors and facts about the Royal family. I think he did this to me because on how I answerd his question, and here I though we wear chill" I pouted a bit at the karma that was giving to me. Man my teacher really likes to mess with me.

"Well it shouldn't be that hard can it ?" Leslie question as she started of grab her papers.

"Meh I don't think so. I just think it will be very boring ,ya know. " I said to her and then the bell rang. With that we left class to head outside for gym.

My least favorite activity since all we do is sit and exercise.  Prefer reading a book or draw something. 

When Leslie and I walk outside it seemed as a storm was in a making. The clouds became dark and lightning shown in the skys. Thunder could be heard loud, clear, and strong and the smell of wet dirt. 

"Great if rains ill get wet. I didn't bring an umbrella."  I mumbled to myself  but Leslie heard me.

"Tell me about it. The weather forecast didn't say anything about it raining today. " Leslie said as droplets of rain drizzled on us.

Attention all students. School will be closing, we got a high level tornado warning so all students report home. I repeat go home and stay home .

Some students cheered, while some worried about the storm. I was worried. What if my brother stays in the organization? What if he gets hit by it? What if my brother gets hurt? I was worried for those reasons and it seems Leslie knew that cause she starded to rub my back trying to calm me down. I smiled at her  and her attempt to calm me down. I whisperd a thank you.

With that we walk, well more like ran to our homes. I left Leslie home and As I was running I hear a lightning strike right near the alleyway I scream and jump a bit do to the fright. I turn to see the damage only to see something that shock me.

It was a guy. Pass put on the floor he seems to be ontop of an dark ashy spot on the floor. Probably where the lighting strike. He seems to have white hair slighty silver. Wearing like a dark blue tailcoat with apears to golden outlines on the vest. Weird clothing from what I can tell.

"Gah I can't leave him here ..... Can I? No bad (Y/n)." I argued with myself mentally then I realize im going to get hypothermia along with the pass out stranger.

Without thinking I pick up the guy realizing his a few inches taller than me.

"Noodle arms don't fail me now" I thought as I drag the guy with me. His right arm trown over  my shoulder as my right hand held held his wrist. Along with my left arm holding onto his waist.

"Great if my brother sees this. He is going to give me hell, and also why the fuck am I helping a stranger!?."  I internally yelled. 

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