Home (Y/n) with Elliott

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June 23 2020
Edit -  November 12 2021
(Y/n ) pov
Well that went well I guess , My brother didn't kill him so that's good. Elliot is still kinda traumatize.

So yea great start I think. Also we had an hour left of free time before I had to go to  school since my brother woke us up at 5:30 am like bro yell at me a 7 o'clock will ya. 
Anyways in the mean time I showed  Elliot the do's and don't of highschool. He kinda gets it but I'm trying so hard not to squeal at the boi for tilting his head like a puppy. His so cute but his personality is shitty.  He had his mommets.  His still an asshole tho. 

"So I can't tell people in future prince ?"  I shake my head at his question. "This idiot "  I thought to myself.

"What part of no don't you get "

"Oh come on im a prince "

"Not in this timeperiod your not"

"Fine, so about why do I have to be with you all the time?"

" You don't have to you're force to."

"Or you want me by your side, is that it " Elliott said as he smirk and got close to my face. I blush a bit due to the close contact but roll me eyes and push his face away. 

"Please being with a guy like you is going to put a much bigger arrow in my back" I said as I turn my head to the side.   

"Huh why is it cause in so goodlooking that girls will get jealous of you " He said as he smirk.  

I just deadpalm. Huh maybe I was wrong this guy acted like a royal pain in the ass but now acts like your average cocky jerk.

"Yea that's about right" I mumbled. 

"Don't worry much about it, its just like back home goldigers everywhere. They only love my money and status along with my princely personality." Elliott said as he sunk deeper in the couch. 
I just stayed quiet and patted his head. 

".....hey not all girls are like that ya know ? You'll find someone who actually can handle your personality " I said as I joked a bit at the end. 

" Well there was one person who I liked but her mother forbid the whole me liking her daughter". Elliott said sadly as he played with a stran of his hair. 

"Well that woman should have of known not to mess with young love, well that is if you had other thoughts about the girl as in" - he cut me off. 

"That woman thought I would hurt her but I could of never hurt my beloved"

" Well when you get home try to talk things out and get your girl" I said trying to cheer him up.

"There both dead "

Things turn out dark fast.

" Well um ah yea I got nothing. Im bad in the dead department. Thought ill get good at it by now , guess I was wrong." I mumbled the last part. 

He just stared at me. I look at the clock and saw it was 7 o'clock. I got off the couch and stretch. I turn to look at him.

" Ill bring you clothes for school and ill get ready myself as well heh. " I chucked a bit and ran to my room leaving him by himself with Sora.

Elliott pov
"Great I freaked her out " I thought to myself.
I didn't know why I told her that maybe im getting too attach to her ,but its only been a day or two. The same thing happen with my beloved. 

She didn't care about status or money , but her mother took her away from me. (Y/n) looks alto like my beloved same eyes same hair colored but just older. Her scent is the same as well lilac a sweet aroma. 

"That's it ill test her she could be my beloveds incarnation that could be the reason. I mean come on her family was trial for witchcraf so she could be her."

I won't lose you again.

"Ok so plan to see if she's my beloved is on the role. " I said to my self my eyes shine a bit.

(Y/n) pov
"Ugh im terrible in dark conversations I either make them worse." I mumbled to my self as I got dressed.  

I put on a purple t-shirt with black long sleeves shirt underneath. Black shorts that went below my knees and black high boots again for height enhancement.

I went into my closet to get male clothes from the times I cosplay and from the times Damian came over to hang out. 

Black dress pants, black converse, a white t-shirt and a purple hoodie. I hope he at least thinks its decent cause I can't let him leave with the pj's or his prince outfit. 

I walked out only to see Elliott underneath Sora but his eyes have this tiny sparkle that kinda put me in edge.

"Ok play times over here put on these will ya " I said as I whistle to Sora to come to me leaving Elliott on the floor. I walked over him and help him up holding the clothes I got for him in one hand.
"Thanks but what have been telling you about men's clothing "Elliott said quite sternly. 

"These are boy clothes not men's." I said as I smirk. As I see him grumble and take the clothes of my hands. 

I left to give him privacy in changing, so I went to the kitchen to make breakfast its barely 7:27 am.

I made simple waffles and strawbery smoothie and scrambled eggs. I heard footsteps and turn around to see Elliott putting on the hoodie. Once it was over his and and put correctly I went to him and patted his head. With that I went back cooking. Missing a slight blush that apperd on his pale skin.  

"Hurry and up and eat ok " I said to him but when I didn't get a respond I turn around to see the idiot red face .

"The fuck he thinking about?" I thought to myself as I tilt my head but I ignored it and ate my breakfast. 

Elliott pov
"Gah she's so cute cooking breakfast like a loving wife. I wonder how it will be like to be married to her? How will she be as my wife?" I thought as I blush a bit she started to eat and I follow.

As I was about to talk her brother showed up. I was slightly piss of but I ignore it. He had a few Sheets of paper in his hand and he rub the back of his neck. 

"(Y/n), I signed up the prince for your school so he will be in your classes so keep an eye on the kid will ya"  Hunter says as he puts the papers on the table I pick one up.  

"What is this exactly? I question to Hunter as I look at the sheets of paper.

"Information and data about you and what not along with your school schedule memorize it will ya " Hunter stated as he poured himself some coffee and sat down to eat breakfast. 

"Thank you very much " I smiled at him and slightly bowed my head.

"Tch don't mentioned kid" Hunter says as he drinks his coffee.    

"See my big brother is the best " (Y/n) said as she gets up from chair and hugs Hunter smiling and laughing. I can see Hunter smile a bit but he rolls his eyes and pushes (Y/n) off and she just keeps trying to hug him.

If I go back to my era I want her to come with me her brother can have a choice if he wants to stay or not.     

But one things for sure. Recardination or not
She will be mine.  

Hey guys you think I'm rushing the book a bit cause I kinda feel like I am.

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