(Y/n) Confuse

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Original : June 26 ,2020
Edit : Sep 19 , 2021

Just a few moments ago I brought a guy to my house. I did my best to dry him off and I also put blankets on him and got him near a heater that we have laying around the house. With that said im in my room drying myself up as I internally argue with myself.

In other words im being conflicted on my actions. One about just leaving him on the streets and the other on what my brother is going to tell me.

Once im all dry from the warm bath I just took, I put on some warm clothing. A nice long sleve shirt with monochrome style and fluffy purple pj pants. Along with some fluffy black socks.

"Great what do I do know? " I mumbles to myself as I dried my hair.

I went downstairs to see how the unconscious guy was doing only to see that he is still pass out on the make shift bed that I made for him on the floor.

His to wet for the couch and that shit takes forever to dry.  I wanted to call the abulance or at least the police to say that I found a stranger pass out in the ally , but Since the storm got stronger I didn't cause I didn't want to bother them to come in such bad weather.

I stared at the boy in silence. The only thing you can hear is the howling wind and rain pouring down on the floor and hitting the windows.

"Im so dead."

All I can do is wait. Since my brother called me to say that he will be staying in the agency. I was relive yet scared for my brothers safety but for mine too I mean come on I just brought a guy to my house. Who knows who he is and what he will do?

I decided to get up and grab a book while I was waiting for the guy to wake up.

A few minutes later I got tired and slowly drifted to sleep.
"A few minutes of rest won't be so bad and if he.... Wakes up ill least all be asleep as he ...kills ....me"

The Unknown Boy POV

Everything part of my body hurts and I feel semi wet. I shuffle on the blankets a bit"Ugh my head "  I thought to myself as I flutterd my eyes to get use to the light that shines.

I move around a bit to see that im a bit damp. My hair is somewhat dried. I slowly got up and notice mg clothes are wet and stuck on my body.

I turn my head to see what looks to be a heater of some sort drying me off slowly but it works. I feel warm and see that  im covered in blankets.  Its hard to breath in this, I turn my head to the other side to see a girl sleeping. A book being held in her hand slowly losing her grip on it.

Her (H/C) hair wrapped around her facial features and down to her waist. Her curled eyelashes and soft rosy lips. She she was wearing fluffy purple trousers and a monocrome long sleeve shirt, along with fluffy black socks.

She was laying on the couch with one arm on the floor the one with the book.  She look peace full as she slept but I have questions that must be answered.

With that I got off the warm blankets and crawled towards her, and I shook her awake.

She groans and fluttered her eyes. Once they were fully open she just stared at me.

"I will like an explanation on why I am here and also to where am?" I question quite irritated on the situations as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Huh oh right um you're here because I had to carry your body towards my house since you were passed out in the alleyway. Also Your in my house. " She answered slowly as she rubbed her eyes and tried to get rid of her sleepy state.

I just deadpalm at her.

"I mean where exacltly?" I question again.

"Oh you're in the in Venencua  Why you ask?" She said. And I just stood there confuse I don't know where Venencua is. I know for a fact that its not in Venencia or anywhere near it. 

"If you don't mind telling me what day is it?" I question snapping myself out of my shock state.

"Oh today is October 1." She replied in confusion.  Soon I heard a buzzing sound.

*buzzzzz**buzz* *buzzzzz*
I jump in surprise at that sound only  to see her pull out a small rectangular object that was making  that buzzing sound.

She taps away on the object and as she was about to put it away I stop her by questioning what was that thing.

"Huh its a phone ? " She said in confusion. 

"That is not a phone. Where's  is the wiring and its other parts? I stated quite irritated at her lack of reponds.

" Listen here you idiot this is a phone not like the phones that where made a long time ago. This is smaller more portable and much better I mean come on its 2020 get with the times kid." She said slightly piss off probably do to question.

" Oi I'm not an idiot or kid have more respect you peasant I'm Prince Elliott son of future King Hamton and grandson of Queen Emily .!" I yelled. While she stared at me in shock.

"Tch as you can tell in not from this time or place.  Heck I don't even know where I am but what I so know is that you peasants have no class or respect for us who are superior "  I stated as I was looking at her.

Her face of confusion turn on of anger.

" OI! Be more nice you dobe im no peasant. Im (Y/n) (L/n) and I don't now how you got here or how am I suppose to return you back home , but with that attitude your giving me I can leave you in the dirt you cheesy punk bastard!" She yelled at me.

"I want to get home as soon as possible for I can not deal with this child". I thought to myself as I just looked at her with boredom. Ticking her off more.

(Y/n) pov
"Good for nothing bastard his pissing me off" I thought angrily as I clentch my fist. As my knuckles turn red. 

"Who does he think he is coming here all high and mighty?. I save his stupid life and this is the thanks I get. Tch doesn't help that his from another era. How the fuck is that even possible? " I tried to calm down and spoke lightly.

"Listen ill help you get home but you need follow a few rules and be more nice to the one who kindly save your life. "  I said to him as I stared at his heterochromia eyes. His left eye was a dark shade of purple while his right eye was a golden color.

"Fine I just hope you can get me out of here as fast as you can so my  father doesn't have to worry about me." He well Elliott said.

" You'll be fine Elliott. Ill get you back home safe and sound just relax a bit. Ill go get you some clothes for you." I said as I got off the couch and went to my room to get some clothes that can probably fit him.

"How the hell am I going to get a Vinery era boy back to the  Vinery era?". I sigh to myself. "This is going to be a pain in the ass".

She looks to much like her. I don't like it, but it could be just a coincidences...... Or faith brought her back to me.  I could be wrong. But yet again I hate being wrong.

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