I swear, if you don't know what Harry Potter is--
Fifth year of Hogwarts already! Ooh, Professor Glory's going to be so proud of me when she sees how well my Trasfiguration is going! I just need to turn that bench into a dog one more time, and surely I'll get it right!
"Where are you going in such a hurry, Stevens?" A voice rang from behind Kinkajou Stevens, snapping her out of her plans.
"To to library, Professor Sunny! I have to perfect my Transfiguration, or Professor Glory'll have my head off!" Kinkajou replied, donning her yellow and black Hufflepuff scarf and short, flexible unicorn hair wand.
"See that you'll be back for dinner at the Great Hall, please," the Head of House nodded, knowing how crabby Professor Glory could get with her students. Kinkajou gave a dramatic salute before slipping through the door and cheerfully strolling down the halls to the Hogwarts library.
The young witch stopped by the large doors of the library and gave it a polite knock before entering. "Evening, Madam Fatespeaker!" Kinkajou greeted the librarian's assistant as she carried a stack of books to Starflight's desk.
"Wingardium Leviosa," Madam Fatespeaker grunted, freeing her hands of the books. "Hello! Anything I can do for you?"
Kinkajou nodded, gesturing to the shelves. "Any books on Transfiguration? I think I forgot one of the incantations."
"Fifth shelf on the right, author is Clearsight Everfrost. She was one of the greatest witches of her age!" Madam Fatespeaker added dreamily, thinking about the accomplished author.
Kinkajou gave thanks and made her way to the shelves. She let her fingers brush the spine of each book, savoring the mystical aura of them. She found the book easily, it was a large, thick red book titled Turning Dragons to Stone: The Art of Transfiguration. She adjusted her scarf and took the book from the shelf, feeling the soft red leather on her dark skin.
Kinkajou sat down at a nearby table with her book across from a long-haired boy around her age-- a Ravenclaw, from the looks of it. The boy barely glanced at her as she slid into her seat, clearly engrossed in whatever book he was reading. I haven't seen him around, come to think of it, and I know everybody at Hogwarts! Perhaps he spends all his time in the library?
Hoping to catch his attention, Kinkajou cleared her throat as she opened the Transfiguration book and revealed crinkly yellow pages. She cleared her throat again when the boy didn't respond, flipping a few pages.
Sighing inwardly, Kinkajou looked at the boy, forgetting all subtleness, and spoke up. "Hi there! I haven't seen you around, have I? I'm Stevens--Kinkajou Stevens. And you are?"
The teal-haired boy looked a bit surprised at her words, as if he hadn't expected her to greet a new student. "Er, hi. I'm, uh, Turtle Painter. And I just transferred here, so that's why you haven't met me before."
Kinkajou smiled at the sound of his voice, partially because she was relieved he could speak, and because his voice was rather nice sounding. Turtle quickly looked down at his book again, letting his long hair cover his face.
"Mega-cool! Where's your family from?" Kinkajou asked, trying to make small talk.
"London. My siblings and I all went to a different magic school before that one was discovered by Muggles."
The girl nodded, seeing as Turtle wasn't in the mood for talking, went back to muttering Transformation incantations. "Orchideous...no, that's not right, Reparifarge!"
This continued for a quite a while before Kinkajou stopped and squinted hard at the written spell to make flowers conjure from her wand. So far, she had a small pile of misshapen stems in front of her. Kinkajou groaned softly at her slow progress.
"Um, do you need any help?" A voice came from across the table. Turtle looked at Kinkajou quizzically, his book closed. "You seem to be struggling."
"No duh," Kinkajou sighed, leaning back in her chair and taking off her scarf, which was starting to get a bit warm. Perhaps spring wasn't the best season to dress heavily. "My Orchideous spell just won't work!"
"Your...what spell?" Turtle looked confused, then studied the incantation in her book. Understanding flashed in his eyes. "Oh, Orchideous! That's your problem, you're saying it wrong."
"Really? I could have sworn-- huh, no wonder," Kinkajou muttered.
Turtle whipped out his wand and stood over Kinkajou. "Let me try... Orchideous!"
Magnificent pastel-purple lilacs sprouted from his wand, quickly forming a bouquet in front of Kinkajou. Said girl let out a surprised gasp. Turtle blushed heavily, seeing as a person passing by could easily assume love.
(A/N: Look up what light purple lilacs mean for more shipping!)
Kinkajou giggled, slightly blushing as well, plucking a flower. "These would go really well in my room."
"You try, now," the shy boy said, changing the subject.
Identical purple flowers sprouted from Kinkajou's wand as well, much to her delight. "It worked!"
"Nice," he said coolly.
"Now I know how to cast the spell! Thanks, Turtle! I'll see you around!"
The Hufflepuff began clearing away her mess and re-shelving the Clearsight Everfrost book.
"Thanks again!" Kinkajou called, waving. She then got a loud shh from Mr. Starflight and repeated her salutation quieter.
And for a split second, Kinkajou thought she heard Turtle say, "Nice meeting you. Real nice..."

A Book of Turtlejou Oneshots
FanficYet another Wings of Fire ship, here! Turtlejouuu! A big ol' book of whatever adorable Turtlejou scenarios, headcanons, and pictures you can imagine! Need I say anything more? Ready? Leeeet's go!