[𝟾] 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜

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[8] ʜᴀᴘᴘɪɴᴇss

You and JJ lived on opposite sides of the tracks.
You lived the life that everyone dreamed of, while he lived the life that everyone despised.
You were a kook, and he was a pogue.

But somehow those differences disappeared once the two of you realized your biggest similarity, loneliness.

Sure JJ had his friends, the pogues, but he always felt that they never truly understood him. So when the days would turn into nights and everyone went home, he would come to you.

And you were surrounded by your family and the few friends that you did have at the kook academy, but that never seemed to be enough for you. All they cared about was their wealth and appearance. Whereas you could care less, often finding yourself caring more about happiness than anything else. So when the days would turn into nights, you would come to him.

The two of you found comfort in each other.

Every night, you and JJ would meet in the same spot, the tree right by the lighthouse. And tonight was no exception.

As always, you were the first to arrive, your JUUL in hand. You sit next to the tree, resting your head against the bark. You sigh softly before bringing the JUUL up to your lips. You were about to take a hit, when you hear the voice of none other than JJ Maybank.

"Hey! I thought we'd agreed to only start smoking away our sorrows once we're together." You laugh, watching the blonde make his way over to you, his hands inside his pockets, and the red hat you'd given him sitting messily atop his head. He sits  next to you and takes the JUUL out of your grasp, pulling it up to his lips and taking a long awaited hit. You playfully scoff, earning a mere chuckle in return.

You rest your head against his shoulder, placing your hand atop his, an action you found yourself doing often. He wraps his hand around yours and hands the JUUL back to you, you take a small hit before placing it beside you.

The two of you sat in silence, staring up at the sky contently. You shiver, a cold breeze coming out of nowhere and hitting your bare  arms briskly. JJ glances briefly at you, and starts taking  off his grey sweater.
"No Jay, I'm fine, keep your sweater on". You say as you notice him beginning to take off his sweater.

He stops for a brief moment, pretending to be deep in thought, before shaking his head playfully at you and pulling the sweater off completely. He hands it to you, and you sheepishly smile, taking the sweater gratefully and putting it on. You mutter a small thank you and he wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him.

The two of you rest against each other, a peaceful silence looming through the air. You decide to lay down and rest your head on top of his lap, and he smiles down at you before looping his fingers through your hair.

You look up at him contently, watching him as he takes another hit. A sudden question enters your mind, what were you two?

You and JJ had been hanging out every night together for the past few months. You two hadn't done anything that would make you anything more than just friends, but you couldn't help but wonder what would happen if the two of you were to become something  more. After all, you trusted him in a way different than other person. He was what kept you going,

he was your happiness.

You glance up at the boy, and for once, you decide to be the bold one in your little duo.
You sit up quickly, confusing JJ.

"JJ?" you whisper, moving to stand in front of the blonde and offer your hand out to him.

JJ looks at you confusedly before grabbing your hand and standing up as well. "Yeah?"

"Can I do something? And you have to promise that you won't get mad."

His eyebrows furrow at your words,

"I would never get mad at you for anything y/n and you know that"

"Okay" you mutter before wrapping your hands around JJ's neck and pulling him into you closer. You glance into JJ's eyes and smile lightly before kissing his lips gingerly.

JJ remains still, and you pull away quickly, feeling your cheeks and ears begin to flush red.

"Shit JJ, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" you say, spitting out words anxiously.
You continue to spew out apologies, before looking at him one more time and turning around to walk away.

You don't make it very far, feeling an arm grab your hand, forcing you to turn around and face JJ.

His hand reaches up to cradle your cheek and he closes the gap between the two of you by placing his lips against yours. The kiss felt like soft rain on a summer rain. It felt revivifying. His lips feeling like clouds against yours, soft and airy.
You pull away first looking up to meet the eyes of JJ.

" I'm sorry I didn't kiss back, I didn't think that what was happening was actually happening" he says, resting his forehead against your own.

You giggle lightly and you can't help but miss the feeling of his lips against your own. JJ seems to feel the same way, as he leans down to press another gentle kiss on your lips.

"So what are we?" You ask quietly, resting your head against the blonde's chest.

"Friends with benefits" Your eyes widen and you scoff loudly, slapping his arm playfully.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" JJ laughs out, putting his hands up in a surrendering motion.

"I don't know what we are, but I do know that we can't just be friends anymore." He says seriously, while pulling you to sit down in the spot you sat in earlier.

"So more than friends?" You ask thoughtfully.

"More than friends." Agrees JJ, squeezing your hand reassuringly.

For once in your life, you felt nothing but pure happiness.

Omg you guysss!
I took a small break from writing since Ive been wrapping up the last of my summer work.
And I come back to 450 reads?! Oh my gosh thank you all so much! I really appreciate it!
It truly made my day!
Also feel free to let me know if there's any spelling errors, I write these late at night, so there's a huge chance that I may miss a few thing along the way.

Word Count:[1107]

JJ Maybank ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now