[𝟷𝟽] 𝚌𝚊𝚏𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜

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[17] ᴄᴀғᴇ ᴄᴏɴғᴇssɪᴏɴs

It was like any other day. It was hot and sunny. Like any other day, you were with your best friends. Except this time, you weren't at the beach, or on the hms pogue, or the wreck, you all were at a cafe.

To be honest, you were a little surprised when Kiara called you, telling you to meet them there. However that surprise faded, when you arrived and noticed your friends whispering to eachother at a corner booth.  They were planning something.

For whatever reason Kiara, Pope, and John b had decided to squish together into one seat, leaving the other side empty.

You laughed as you sat down, "You do realize one of you could have sat here right?"

They all shrug, their attention quickly moving to the sound of the door opening.

JJ walks in, his hand reaching up to readjust the worn down hat on his head. You smile and offer him a small wave as he sits down next to you.

You glance at the group in front of you, who are all snickering amongst themselves.

"What are you guys talking about?" asks JJ, as you drum your fingers against the table.

JJ's question remains unanswered as the waitress brings your drinks, courtesy of John b.

You and JJ look at each-other before glancing at the trio in front of you. JJ shakes his head, and shrugs his shoulders before he wraps his arm around your shoulders, making you blush.

With his free hand, JJ reaches into his pocket and takes out his phone. For a little while, the two of you watch tik-toks, occasionally pausing to take sips of your drinks.

The two of you are laughing at someone scaring their friend when Kiara decides to interrupt by clearing her throat.

You and JJ stop laughing immediately, feeling awkward as you notice your friends attention shift towards the both of you.

"Pope, John b, and I have to go. We'll see you guys later" and with that statement, the three of them wiggle themselves out of the booth and leave before you or JJ could utter a word.

"What just happened?" you ask, watching the laughing trio leave the cafe with Pope sneaking a quick glance at the two of you.

JJ lets out a breathy laugh while switching to sit across from you, "We've been set up."

You furrow your brows, letting out a nervous laugh, "What do you mean-We've been set up?" you ask putting your hands up in quotation marks.

JJ's cheeks become a rosy pink and his nerves suddenly get the best of him. He could feel his throat run dry so he takes a sip of his coffee before looking up at you, "I told John b, I had a crush on you and he must of slipped it to the others. Knowing them they probably did this on purpose." He rambles out, playing with the rings on his fingers nervously.

You stare at JJ in shock, he had a crush on you?

JJ takes your silence as a bad thing and starts to stand, but you grab his hand softly, pulling him back down.
" I like you too" you say, smiling brightly.

JJ offers you a toothy smile before leaning over the table to press a sweet kiss on your cheek.

He grabs a spare 5 dollar bill from his pocket and slams it on the table, before pulling you out of the booth.

You laugh as he basically drags you out of the cafe.

"Where are you taking me J?"

He smirks down at you and wraps his arm around your shoulders, "Somewhere fun"

A/N part 2? yes, no, maybe so?

Word Count: 624

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