[𝟷𝟷] 𝚖𝚒𝚍𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚜

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[11] ᴍɪᴅsᴜᴍᴍᴇʀs

June rolled in and with it came Midsummers. The party you so desperately despised. Granted you had your best friend Sarah by your side, which made the gathering a little easier to bear.

You were dancing with Sarah when you decided to grab yourself some desert.

"Hey Sarah, I think I'm gonna go get something to eat, do you want anything?"

The blonde shakes her head and nudges you towards the table, "I'm good thanks, just don't leave me alone too long okay?"

You roll your eyes playfully at her before making your way towards the large table covered with drinks and pastries. You mutter a few apologies here and there, smiling at a few guests who greet you along the way.

You reach the table and are about to grab a slice of cake, when you notice a familiar boy carrying a black tray piled with glasses. Was that the friend of Sarah's new lover?

You furrow your brows as you sneak another peak, turning away swiftly when you catch his eyes.
"Shit" you mutter, feeling the blondes gaze as he walks towards you.

His eyes trail over you before he asks,
"Y/n? Right?"

You nod, offering him a small grin, "and your JJ right? John b's friend"

"The one and only" JJ jokes, offering you one of the drinks on his tray.

"You're not actually working are you?" you ask taking the drink from his hand, your fingers brushing against his for a split second, making a faint blush appear on your cheeks.

JJ's eyes widen and his shoulders tense,

"Is it really that noticeable?"

You shake your head, a small laugh making its way out of your lips, "Don't worry JJ, you're fine. I came here late and saw you getting ready with John b."

JJ sighs, putting a hand on his chest "Thank god"

You take a small sip, watching as a small smirk makes its way into JJ's face, "I'm on a mission"

You let out a laugh,choking slightly on the alcohol, "A mission?"

JJ nods, pulling out a white slip of paper from his pocket, " I have to give this paper to Sarah, have you seen her?"

You glance into his eyes, your laughter dying down, " I know where Sarah is, but that's classified information and I'll need something in return"

JJ follows your lead, his smile turning into a straight line, "What would you like in return, Ms.L/n?"

You look down at the ground, as an idea forms in your head, " a date."

JJ looks at you shocked, slightly fumbling with the black tray, "a date?"

You blush, suddenly feeling nervous, "yes a date.... Do we have a deal?"

For a moment JJ's silent, his mind still trying to comprehend the fact that a kook asked him out on a date.

"We have a deal." He says reaching his hand out for you to shake. A wide grin spreads onto your face as you shake the boys hand, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering like crazy.

"Sarah's dancing over there" you say pointing to the girl dressed in white who's dancing with Wheezie.

JJ looks towards the direction you're pointing in before placing his tray down and turning to face you,

"Meet me at the boneyard, tomorrow at six."

"Okay" you say, suddenly feeling very sheepish.

JJ offers you a small wave before spinning on his heels and walking to the Cameron sisters. JJ stops for a brief moment and glances over shoulder,

"You look pretty by the way princess"

You down the rest of the glass quickly before setting it on the table next to the abandoned tray. You grin widely as you make your way to your mom, who's gesturing at you from another table.

You stand next to your mom, trying your best to listen, but everything she was saying was flying over your head, the thoughts in your head, overwhelming.

You had just asked JJ out, and he said yes.

This one was lowkey kinda cute haha
Word count:[676]

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