chapter 10

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The bell goes.
Amara announces her party fervidly and turns to say something to August who apparently isn't paying attention. He raises one eyebrow and nods in an unbothered way.
Blake is in a blue faded flannel shirt, dressed like the first day I knew of his existence. After a few minutes of prying and getting more curious, I ask Pam about her boyfriend and regret asking immediately. She blabbers on and on but my attention keeps shifting towards August.

"Are you coming to the party tonight? " I ask her meaning to, but mostly to dodge.

"What party?" Her emerald eyes shoot up at me.

"Gosh! Do you ever pay attention? Amara has been announcing her party. Have you no idea? She invited me and said The Jink band will be performing and that I should bring August." She eyes me suspiciously. "Can you imagine? It's the talk of the school. How comes you have no idea! " I guffaw.

"There's just a lot of parties. And who are The Jink band? " She asks sarcastically.

It makes me bumble in my seat. "Oh my God! What planet are you from?  Who doesn't know The mighty Jink band. This guys are like the best lyricist I know."

" Well, I don't know them hunnie, I fuck with Kendrick Lamar and Doja cat heavy." she ties her hair using a rubber band and bends to tie her shoes.

"Okay, but will you come? " I ask desperately knowing too well that I might need some company.

Set to leave, three girls walk in looking bomb as fuck. Everyone gives them way and they walk straight towards Amara. I am amazed by their sheer beauty for a moment I feel my confidence drain and second guess my beauty. One of them sits next to August and I overhear the rest talking about the party and making plans to go shopping on what they'll wear and holy shit!

The girl next to August has a smile that would light up the room. She flutters her eyebrows and seems to have a easy conversation with grim August who unlike other times is smiling and from the corner of my eye can see him cuddle her under his arms. They must be close.

"Barbie dolls." Pam says watching my unhappiness grow.

A few minutes later, two girls and two boys walk in coming our way. I can tell from Pams lit face that they're her friends. They look so bubbly.

"Becca."she calls. "This are my friends. Steny and Jackie, Enid and Dana."

I put two and two together remembering the first day I saw Enid and Steny and I can't help but feel my mood light up seeing how timid Dana looks and how haughty Jackie seems to be. Nevertheless, we click easily and they let me join them for lunch. I have never taken my meals in the cafeteria since the day August saved me from the walk of shame.

On the way there, I feel like a third wheeler because they keep talking about drama rehearsals and people I have no clue about. Their table is adjacent to the Barbie dolls but a few meters away. We serve and settle. It feels so unreal to me. So now I have friends? To hang out with? Bravo! My mum will be proud of me when she finds out.

"Guys! Since when did August become team Barbie?"  Jackie lays low and asks in a murmur. My heart does the flip flop thing and my throat tightens as if it's filling with sand. Too much for someone who's not good at friendships!

"Oh my God"  Steny says surprised.
I keep my eyes on my food toying with the spoon.

"They look really nice! Aw!"  Pam says admirably but sinks back to her phone. I'm pretty sure she's talking to the obvious.

"Imagine what a couple all of them would make? All famous, rich and attractive."  Dana says in a low tone.

My mouth drops in amazement. Considering I have been on Augusts' case and want to know more about him, I raise my brow cynically and ask how rich.

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