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*RINGGGGG RINGGGGG* I woke up to my annoying alarm clock. "Argmm" I groaned and rolled out of bed. "TAEHYUNG IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL!" Mrs. Min yelled from the kitchen. I know what your asking who is Mrs. Min? Mrs. Min is my adoptive mother.

My other parents did not have enough money to raise me. So my biological mother and father put me up for adoption. And I stayed at the adoption center for 3 years until Mrs. Min adopted me.

And when we got home that day I got to meet Mrs. Min's children, my new older brother Min Yoongi and his baby sister Min Eunji. And her husband Mr. Min.

Anygays, I heard a knock on my door. I stood to my feet to go see who it is.

I opened the door to see a upset and sleepy yoongi and a very happy and smiling Eunji.

"Good mowning TaeTae!" Eunji smiled with her little teeth on display. "Good morning Eunji!" I tried my best to sound like I was up the whole time. I picked her up and carried her my arms.

"Good Morning Yoons" I said in a regular tone. "Yeah yeah good morning whatever it's time to go school." yoongi said in a sleepy tone. "Okay I will be down in a minute." I answered him. "Okay." With that yoongi left.

I closed the door and sat Eunji on my bed. I needes to take a shower so I went to my closet to find some toys for her. I was looking through my closet when I fount a small black box that read "TOYS" I gave her the box.

I walked to the other side of the room to find my outfit for the day. Silence filled the room until Eunji broke it. "THANK YOU TAETAE!"I walked over to her to see what she was talking about. She showed me the box and it's had Barbie's and stuffed animals. "Can I play too?"

"Yesh! Play togefer!" (I spelled together that way on purpose because I was bored) she said.  "Can we go play in your room? You have better toys then me." (😏)

"Taehyung are you dressed yet!" Mrs. Min asked from downstairs. "Dang it!" I forgot I was supposed to go to school today.

"Okay can you wait for me in your room while I go talk to mommy okay?" I didn't want to tell her I'm going to school because she hates when I go to school. She starts to cry, scream and yell and stomps her little feet.

"Otay!" Eunji ran to her room and closed the door behind her. I walked downstairs to see Mrs. Min. "Yes Mrs. Min?" I asked her "Taehyung, you know you don't have to call me Mrs. Min you can call me mom an Mrs. Min makes me feel old." Mrs. Min said stated. I chuckled at her statement. "Okay I will try." I responded

At School

I walked inside of the building to hear chattering and fangirling. I was walking to my locker when someone tripped me with their foot. I was ready for the impact but I didn't feel it. I felt a hand wrapped around my torso and the other around my back. I opened my eyes to see the most handsome guy in the world. "Hey you okay?" The person asked me. "Y-Yeah I'm fine." I answered.

The person helped me back on my feet. "I have to get to class see you around?" He asked me. I forgot I was standing there for a second. He waved his hand infront of my face. I snapped back into reality and started at him.

His big brown doe eyes, bunny teeth, perfect nose, long wet hair and he was wearing black suit

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His big brown doe eyes, bunny teeth, perfect nose, long wet hair and he was wearing black suit. " Yeah s-see you around." with that he walked away.

I was walking to class when my best friend Jimin caught up to me. "Hey tae~" Jimin greeted. "Hey Chim" I answered blankly. "Did you hear about the new teacher in our class?" Jimin questioned. "No but what happened to Mr. Wang?" I asked Jimin "He quit." Jimin said blankly. I never thought Mr. Wang would quit his job I thought he loved his job.

We arrived to class and sat down in our normal seats. The bell was about to ring when the door opened and showed..

That guy?!

"Hello My name is Jeon Jungkook and I will be your teacher for the rest of this year."


I know nobody is reading this but if you are hi?

Eun: Kindness, Mercy, Charity
Ji: Wisdom, intellect or Earth, Soil and Ground

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