😢 (6/27/20)

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I want to thank everyone for your thoughtful words in the previous author's note. I appreciate all of them. 😘

Unfortunately my grandfather died yesterday,😢 and it's been a little crazy. My grandma is sad but stable, and we get to call her everyday and tell her how much we love her, how much we miss her, and hope to have her back with us soon! 😘

I will try to have everything ready by the end of next week. I know I can take my time, but 1) I don't like to leave all of you waiting for a story that will continue. I know what's to have a story in my library waiting with hope for the author to continue with it. 😊 I know we all have a life, and we all manage it as we possibly can. 😊

2) Writing, drawing, gardening, and doing other hobbies with my husband and kids help me grief. 🥰 So this is good for me. 🥰

3) And because you have been waiting for so long, I will be posting two chapters. Chapters 5 & 6, plus chapter 3 and sneek peek #1's correction. I hope to have everything ready the latest by Wednesday, if not for sure by Friday.

I appreciate all of your love 😘❤️

Second Chance (✅ # 10) (5/10/20 - 8/18/20)Where stories live. Discover now