Like to be you - A morning impromptu

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What a pleasure it was to wake up with her on his chest, the Tokyo sunrise illuminating the room of rays of gold, shining, warming and bold. He could not think of a more perfect setting: it was the ultimate representation of their relationship. He knew he could never love her more than at this very moment, when both imbricated under the white duvet, the way they were used to, bare skin touching, they were letting their true self take over in the rawest form. No artifice, no glam squad, no stylist, no celeb status. Just two hippies at heart idealists, dreaming of a holistic life, full of artistic creation and bliss, under a turquoise cascade.

She was still sleeping peacefully, her face buried deep in his neck, where he could feel her slow breath coming into contact with his pulse right there. Could he kiss her or not? He was torn between his urging desire to kiss her mouth, her chin, her forehead, her neck, or any more intimate spot he could think of, and his fear of waking her up and disrupt this blissful suspended moment. He could watch her sleep for hours and hours. She was so breathtakingly beautiful and had those perfect harmonious features that made her even prettier au naturel, without an ounce of make-up. Her long beautiful black curls were spreading all over his left arm and her petite hand was delicately laying down his giant right-hand palm. She was invading his personal space, making herself necessary, creating a morning bonding routine that would leave him feeling hopelessly empty when she would not be there. Because of this very habit, it would make the distance even harder to handle, especially during the night, as if a piece of him was missing. But he sure would not complain. He was as affectionate in private as she was at all time, to say the least. And that's part of the reason why she wasn't worried when he was feeling self-conscious and holding back a little bit more in public. She was well aware he would catch up for the missed opportunities and return his affection a hundredfold when finally alone together.

She was making him feel complete and whole. And that was the way he wanted to feel waking up every morning. Thinking of how he finally and miraculously got her, and realizing she may be by his side forever, a long-awaited, warm feeling of serenity took over his body. That subconscious frenzy clinging in the back of his mind when he was single, making him feel like a lost crazy horse desperately looking for love, for his other half; that lump in his throat he had waking up in empty hotel rooms half-way across the world, hopelessly was all gone. It had magically disappeared.

She was more than his lover. She represented his world, his support system, someone that would lift him up when he would be at his lowest point. She was an ally, a partner, and someone he could rest on when needed. There was not a thing he didn't like in her. No matter what she could say, he wouldn't love her less. He was even more in love with her imperfections, with what made her such a singular, passionate individual. No other woman could compare to her. She was unique. She was the one.

Getting tenderly amused at the sight of her sleepy head and mouth half-open, caressing her hair in the softest way so that he would not wake her, he actually realized he was just loving her for no reason. Just looking at her, he was feeling it in his body. And he knew it might be the most accurate definition of real love.

He was ready to take the whole world with her by his side, travel every country, take a hike in California, running while climbing the giant cliffs of the Normandy coast, wander in the streets of China, get their elbows sticky at the table of a typical countryside English pub eating fish and chips...

But most of all, he couldn't wait to take her back to Pickering, to his high school, to lay on that green field where he used to play soccer and contemplate the stars together at night.

She was a sleeping beauty, HIS sleeping beauty.

Yet, he paid attention to her radiating presence, effortlessly taking over the room, enveloping him in softness.

He paid attention to her perfect curves, her immaculate back ending in a perfect round shape.

He paid attention to the delicacy of her touch, the warmth of her fingertips and the gentle care of her hand still resting on top of his.

And he knew, oh yes he knew, that he could never love her more than at this very instant.

Maybe her soul had instantly received the subliminal message, maybe she felt his desire for her, but that's when she finally opened her eyes, and pleasantly noticed he was looking at her lovingly.

"Hey you", she whispered, in her barely awake raspy voice.

"Hey you." He smiled at her. "I love you."

"I love you", she replied, complementing the three words of a cute nose boop.


To quote Camila, I wanted this little part to be like the depiction of a painting, trying to capture the intimacy of this special moment.

Because waking up next to the person you love the most should never be taken for granted. 

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