Part 2

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Sally hesitantly sat down, and in a quivering voice she explained what had happened.

Poseidon looked at Sally blankly "Well, after all she is my daughter ...water will act differently around her ." he said, pursing his lips to hide a smile.

Sally was outraged, maybe because she was dripping wet , and shivering or because Poseidon was seated by her trying hard not to laugh.

"You... you just find it funny don't you, I pour my heart out, and all I get in return is "Well, what do you expect", is that why you came here just to state the obvious ?" Sally muttered coldy. Sally knew she shouldn't have said that, but she didn't care at the moment. After all, Poseidon never ever got angry with her.

At this moment, it was clear to Poseidon why he loved Sally. She was strong- willed ,and never took anything from anyone, and her dry, and sarcastic humor added a charm to her personality.

"No, Sally I didn't come here just to say that, I came here to say Reya will have to be sent to camp soon",

Sally quickly moved away from him on the couch, hoping he was joking "No, she's so young she -" Sally protested, but Poseidon interrupted her, finishing her sentence.

" just turned two... yes, I know her birthday is today."

Sally gaped at Poseidon in shock, although it was a sad realization she was surprised he had even known his daughter's birthday.

"I didn't know you knew..."

"Of course, I know when her birthday is", Poseidon insisted sharply as his eyes flickered with annoyance, and pain. He was insulted by Sally's surprised expression, but as soon as he caught a glimpse of her startled face, his face softened.

"I am sorry if I scared you...I better get going", he said in a quiet ,and strained voice.

And he left just as quickly as he arrived.

A year and a half later...

Sally had just came home from a hectic day at work. She had to work three jobs to support her child, and some days she would have to host bake sales and yard sales to earn enough money to pay the rent. It broke her heart anytime her daughter asked for a book, or a birthday present. Sally would always have to look in Reya's eyes and say she was sorry, and maybe next time. To Sally the worst part was her daughter accepted it ,and never complained, just nodding "Ok mommy", with all the enthusiasm she had. It was right now 8:30 in the night, and her daughter had just gotten into bed. Sally sat on the couch with her knees barreled into her chest as she cried her heart out. As hard as she worked it wasn't enough to meet both ends. As she was in the middle of her fret she heard a soft and gentle voice say "Sally". Sally suddenly jumped knowing it was her daughter . Although it was unusual for Reya to call her mom Sally, she still knew her daughter was the only one who could speak so gently. Sally quickly wiped her tears, not wanting her daughter to see her broken state. "What is it honey ?" she said warily, not turning around. She felt a warm hand stroke the hair away from her face, and saw concerned sea green eyes staring at her. As soon as she saw Poseidon she lost it, and turned around continuing to cry with her head tucked in between her knees. Sally was never the person who cried , she always braved through life with a smile on her face, so seeing her like that was something

Poseidon couldn't imagine.

"Are...are you hurt ?" Poseidon asked as he touched her cold arm.

Sally flinched, and moved away from him on the couch "Don't", she said quickly. He studied her gingerly ,cupped his hand under her chin and lifted her tearstained face to look at him. "Sally, what's wrong ...please, just tell me." he pleaded. Sally finally relented, and her gaze drifted to her trembling hands as she spoke."It's Reya ....she doesn't deserve this. I can barely provide for her, I am not able to pay the rent even though I work three jobs...and anytime she wants the smallest thing that she likes I can never get it for her." Poseidon gently picked Sally up, and placed her in his lap . "What breaks me the most is I agreed to provide for Reya but I just can't , and she just doesn't deserve this", she murmured in a broken voice. Poseidon brushed Sally's hair away from her face, and looked into her depressed blue eyes. "I know...I know it's hard to take care of her all alone, bu-" he said softly, but was interrupted by her. Sally tried to push away from him, but he tightened his grip around her waist. She finally gave up, and looked right into his eyes. "No, Poseidon you don't know what it's never have to care for anyone, you just want to send Reya to camp." she exclaimed tightly. Poseidon's eyes lost contact with hers , and he released his arms around her. Sally's eyes widened, as she noticed his pained expression. "I..I didn't mean it , Poseidon I am so sorry", she wailed, leaning her forehead into his chest.

He stared at her in complete shock, Sally had never been so unstable, and fragile before. He leaned close and stroked her hair wishing there was something he could do to help. She cried for hours, and hours until she fell asleep. Poseidon glanced at Sally, her skin was pale, with her wavy dark hair over her tightly closed eyes. Even in her sleep she couldn't stay relaxed. He picked her up bridal style ,and placed her onto her bed, with a soft kiss on her forehead. As he passed the living room his eyes flickered to a room which had to be his daughter's. He carefully opened the door half way, and caught a glimpse of a sleeping toddler. Her messy raven hair which resembled his own was in her face. He looked at her carefully and noticed right away she inherited Sally's fair skin complexion, and light freckles, but otherwise she was a spitting image of him. Poseidon quietly snapped his fingers, and disappeared from the room leaving a thick salty smell in his daughter's bedroom.

6 months later ...

It was late at night probably even two in the morning when Sally heard a bizarre sound. She quickly shot out of bed, and searched the apartment, while clutching a pan in one hand, as she approached the hallway. If any monster came she would sacrifice herself for her daughter's safety. There was no way she would let anything happen to her little angel. Sally slowly loosened the grip on the pan handle as she placed it by her bedside thinking she imagined the sound. She quietly descended in the bed, and closed her eyes. She woke up an hour later, because she heard that weird sound again. She grasped the pan in one hand, and her eyes snapped open.Then she caught a glimpse of a man. His back was facing her as he was quietly creeping out of her room. He was tall , and muscular with silky black hair.

"Turn around now", Sally demaded , knowing there was no way she would ever let a stranger go anywhere close to her sleeping daughter.

The man paused briefly, and froze "I don't think you want me to do that ,sweetheart", the man said.

Sally knew she heard that voice before, it was soft, and gentle.

"I mean it ", She said, slowly getting out of her bed.

The man didn't respond, but didn't show any movement. Sally quickly placed the pan on the bed and ran to him, she grasped her hands on his shoulders and turned his body to face her. She gasped and released her arm on his shoulders once she recognized his face.

"Poseidon...." she murmured in shock.

"Hello, Sally" Poseidon answered as his green eyes flickered to her.

"What in the name of greek gods are you doing here ?" she asked calmly as she took a seat on her bed. He followed and sat next to her .

"I wanted to see how my daughter's doing ."

Sally looked at the ground, and waited for her heartbeat to revert to it's normal rate "So, that makes it perfectly fine to give me a heart attack by coming in the middle of the night".

Poseidon raised an eyebrow and his eyes never left hers . "Well, when you're a god you only have few chances to visit your child, so I believe my secretive manner is excusable."

Sally eyed the floor, as she brushed a strand of curly hair behind her ear.

Poseidon tucked his rough hand under her chin, and lifted her chin so he could see her clearly.

"How are you ?" he asked calmly.

Sally studied Poseidon's face curiously, and then placed his hand off of her chin and on the bed."Alright I guess "

Poseidon nodded, and leaned close . He was just inches away from her face, as he whispered .

"Well, I am sorry to say this ,but I've seen Reya's power capability, and her scent is getting stronger , she will have to start training in camp."

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