Chapter 1

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Just a reminder.. this is a non despair au. Hope's peak is just the name of their high school. But it's a normal high school. No ultimate talents but the ones with talents will just be good at whatever either secretly or not. Nagito's luck will kinda have apart of the story.. but it's not extreme like in the game. I'm this au he is a normal kid, his parents aren't dead, but he is semi-rich. Okay into the story!

Hajime's POV:

Wow? I'm already in high school. I thought to myself as I grabbed the cereal from the pantry, beginning to make my breakfast.
I'm kinda nervous. First day of high school.. I wonder if I'll make any friends? All my other friends went to other high schools. I'm the only one going to hopes peak. My dad's work had him transferred. But my parents knew that I wanted to attend hopes peak. So I'm living alone in this small apartment til the end of 3rd year.
I'm grateful my parents let me stay alone. My mom seemed worried but my dad didn't care. My dad disowned me the day I came out as gay. After that I was told never to speak about it again and that if I ever brought over a boy, he and I would be beat up.
But now that I'm on my own, I can bring over whoever I want. Not that I plan on hooking up with anyone. But I'm a high schooler! I want a high school romance like everyone else!
As I got lost into my thoughts I prepared my lunch and ate breakfast, then leaving my house in plenty of time to get to school.
When I arrived at the school I felt a rush of blood go through my body. This it! This is the moment I've been waiting for, for so long! Here begins what should be the best 3-
My thoughts were cut off when I suddenly fell to the ground feeling a weight on top of me.
"I-I'm so sorry!" I heard a voice from on top of me. When I looked up it was a boy with white hair, his skin was as pale as his hair
"A-ah! No worries! Are you alright?" I asked as we both got up.
"I should be asking you that! I'm sorry for running into you!" He apologized.
"No worries! What's your name I asked?" I asked him.
"I'm Nagito Komaeda." He smiled.
"I'm Hajime Hinata!" I smiled back.
He sure was hot. Only barely taller then me too. I wonder what type of person he is.
"I should get going to class! It was nice to meet you!" He waved at me walking away.
I waved back and then walked in the same direction. I stayed a bit away from him so things wouldn't be awkward since we just said goodbye. But we kept going in the same direction eventually both ending up in the same classroom.
"Well looks like it was our fate to meet!" Nagito smiles at me.
"What a coincidence.. Well if you don't mind then.. let's be friends?" I asked.
"You wanna be friends with me?" He looked at me like I was crazy.
"I mean yeah- why not?" I asked him confused.
"Are you sure you want to be friends with me?" He asked.
"Of course I do. You seem like a nice guy!" I smiled at him.
"S-sure.. I'd love to be friends.." He said a little shyly.
It's not like I'm asking him out? Has he never had a friend before?
We both look around the desk for our names. And as luck would have it.. we were both sitting right next to each other in the back. My seat being right next to the window. Wow cliche much...
We both laughed and sat down. We still had 5 minutes before the bell rang.
"So Komaeda.. Tell me about yourself." I said looking over at him.
"O-oh okay.. Um.. There really isn't much about me to know." He said looking around nervously.
"Well.. do you have any hobbies? Any interests?" I asked.
"Not really. I'm like any other high school guy. I play video games every now and then, I watch action movies, etc.." He said.
"Well I'm the same way.." I laughed awkwardly. We tried our best to make small talk and I learned a few things about Komaeda as we talked. After a few minutes the bell rang and so began high school.

"Well that sure was a tiring day.. I'm going to head to the arcade. Would you like to come with me?" He asked.
"Oh sure!" I said.
"Oh you guys are going to the arcade too? Mind if I tag alone?" We turned around to a voice we heard behind us.
It was a small girl with a gaming pin in her hair. She had short light pink hair. Wow she is so small and cute.. I thought to myself.
"Sure we don't mind!" Komaeda said with a friendly smile.
"My name is Chiaki Nanami! Nice to meet you!" She said bowing slightly as a greeting .
"I'm Hajime Hinata!" I introduced myself.
"And I'm Nagito Komaeda." He said in his soft and gentle voice.
"We'll let's get going. I'm sure it will be a popular place for high schoolers to hang out." I said.
On our way there we talked and we actually all had a lot in common. Nanami really likes video games and she is kinda low energy but if you bring up something she likes she will get excited all of the sudden.
Komaeda seems to be very laid back and he enjoys listening and watching others. He is polite and kind. He also seems to have low self esteem.
"What should we play first?" I asked them as we arrived to the arcade.
"I tend to always play ddr.." Komaeda said.
"I play Galaga a lot when I'm here." Nanami said.
"Oh is that why you have the ship in your hair?" I asked.
"Yeah! It's such a fun game! It's simple but gets harder as you get further and further into the game!" She said with sparkles in her eyes.
"Oh then why don't we have a competition?" I suggested.
"Oh and see who gets furthest into the game?" Komaeda asked.
"Yeah! And we should have a punishment for the loser!" Nanami said.
"Oh what a great idea! Hmm.." Komaeda started the think of a punishment.
"Oh I know! There is a boba store across the street. Who ever loses buys everyone drinks!" I said.
"Oh great idea!" Nanami said.
And so began our competition.
First up was me. I lost after about 15 minutes.
"Wow Hajime! Your really good!" Komaeda said.
Then Komaeda took his shot and bet me by 2 minutes.
"Wow I don't know how you got past that level.." I said impressed.
Nanami went next and we watched her pay for almost 30 minutes. I don't know how she kept up with it. It was amazing. Her fingers moved so fast.
"Wow you two blew me out of the water..." I sighed in defeat.
"I'm sorry-" Komaeda apologized.
"Don't apologize! You guys won fair and square. So why don't we go get something to drink?" I smiled at both of them.
They both smiled back and we went to go get boba.

Thanks for reading! I'll try to keep this book updated every Wednesday and Sunday.

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