Chap- 35 Gooey's Chubby Animals

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My arm reached to feel for a certain someone but only felt the touch of my cotton bedsheets. Immediately I sprung up to catch a glimpse at the clock resting on the table.

It was already 11 am, I slowly stretched and cracked my neck. A content sigh leaving my mouth as I made my way towards the bathroom.

Walking in I noticed the floor was slightly wet, meaning it could only be one person who used my bathroom.

After taking a short cold shower I walked out in Baekhyun's shirt which he most definitely intentionally left outside for me. Today felt like it was gonna be good. Last night was no doubt good. It just felt good to let my emotions out to Baekhyun.

I smiled softly and sat on the bed as I rubbed the lotion all over my freshly shaved legs, and the rest of my body. The light lavender smell managing to put me in an even better mood. I decided to grab the nail file sitting on the side table and clean myself up a bit.

"Y/N are you up?" I heard Suho softly ask from outside. A light knock accompanying his voice.

"Uhh hold on I'm getting dressed." I answered and put on a pair of sweats and opened the door.

"Everyone already ate breakfast, I have your plate ready on the kitchen table eat it okay?" Suho smiled.

"Why? Are you guys going somewhere?" I asked while tucking a strand of damp hair behind my ear.

He awkwardly laughed and fiddled with his sweater sleeve. "Well me, Baekhyun and Sehun have some work to sort out so we'll be out for a few hours. Eat up and the others are still here. Remember you still need to rest and take care of yourself." Suho said.

"Ok ok, I'll do as you said. Have fun at work." I laughed and waved him off.

About ten minutes after he left I headed downstairs as my rumbling stomach announced my hunger.

"Oh my Go-!" I cupped my mouth as a pool of pink liquid made it in front of my feet.

"Guys... what the actual fuck?!" I said in a louder voice, my eyes wide.

"Y/N, calm down we can explain!!" Chen said panicked as he grabbed the roll of kitchen towel.

"How did this even happen?!!" I yelled as I stood before a previously beautiful kitchen which was now covered in presumably sticky pink liquid.

There was a broken juicer and the jug of a blender on the floor smashed. The questionable liquid covered parts of the carpet in the living room along with the cabinets in the kitchen.

"I actually can't believe this... Who did this? How did this happen? And why the fuck would this happen?!" I asked confused to say the least.

"The house is newly done...." I whimpered and clutched my hair in frustration. Kyungsoo ran up to me and offered his hand so I could jump over the spilled liquid without stepping on it.

I now stood next to Xiumin who looked just as scarred as me.

"I'll just tell you, I was not a part of this." He sighed shaking his head.

"Will someone please explain to me what the hell just happened?" I groaned shutting my eyes.

Lay picked up the jug from the floor and shrugged his shoulders.

Chen let out an exaggerated sigh and started his story telling session.

"Ok before you start getting mad, I'll tell you exactly what happened. It was a very sunny morning, me and my brothers were very thirsty and-..." Before he could continue his over dramatic explanation I held up my hand to stop him.

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