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ANON : hi! can i request "u can't keep avoiding your problems!" "i avoid you well enough!" for moe alley! he doesn't get enough love! thank you so much! 💖

your CO had been after you all week, and you had been avoiding him. V-E day had been and gone, and the last thing you felt like was writing a report on the men in your platoon. speirs had, thankfully, been too busy with those sticky fingers of his to find you, and along with the unfamiliarity of the austrian hotel layout, you were able to get a lead in the figurative game of cat and mouse you were playing with him. speirs terrified you. he was, in your mind, the scariest man you'd ever met. you'd rather have dike as a CO sometimes, then you'd remember how incompetent he actually was.

you peeped round the door to check whether the kitchen was empty. sure, it was 2am, but you could never be too careful. it was. letting out an exhale of relief, you filled up a glass and let the cool water soothe your throat. roe said you still hadn't fully recovered from a bout of pneumonia you and lipton had suffered from, and you knew he was right. some nights you felt a crackle in your breathing, and tonight was one of those nights. "lieutenant!" you let out a squeal and let the glass shatter all over the kitchen tiles. you were still jumpy, not quite used to being an occupational force. "moe! don't do that!"

the handsome sergeant let a smile grace his features. he always had a habit of jumping up on you when you least expected it, and found great pleasure in doing so. he lent down to start sweeping the bare glass into his hands. "moe you'll... don't pick it up with your bare hands!" he stood up and dropped the glass into the sink. the tinkle and clatter vibrated through the room, and he looked at you grinning. "i wanted to see you. since you got promoted i've barely seen you."
"moe, you see me all the time!" his hands found your shoulders and he pushed your back gently towards the counter. "i've missed this." he murmured, leaning down to kiss you. you returned the gesture before pulling away from moe. "i'm sorry, i need to go."
"go? why?" there were footsteps, and you were terrified they came from speirs. moe's hands remained clasped on your shoulders, his eyes plastered to your face with worry.
"are you avoiding me, y/n?"
"you? moe— i'm avoiding speirs!" you hissed.
his facial expression morphed into confusion. "speirs? why? y/n, you can't keep avoiding your problems."
you chuckled, rubbing your hands softly up and down his shoulders. "i avoid you well enough, don't i?"
pulling your head into his chest, he mumbled: "i knew it."

swaying there gently in moe's embrace, you asked him: "moe, do you think we'll get out of here?"
"what do you mean? austria?"
"no, the army."
there was a tense pause as moe thought. "maybe. i don't know, y/n." you placed you chin against his chest and looked up at him. "i love you."
"i love you."
"can i sleep with you tonight?" he asked. you nodded and pulled away, he offered you an arm and you slipped a hand through it.

"alley, you're alright!" roe called.
"moe! moe! MOE!"
"joe hold her back, goddamnit!" joe's arms wrap around you, pulling you away as moe groans and grunts in pain, blood flows from his wounds, pooling on the floor. "MOE! MOE! MOE!"
"y/n!" you shot up, moe's face pushing damp hair from your face. "i'm here, baby. i'm here!" you looked up at that familiar face, the wounds from your dream were still there, but they were healed, not gushing with blood. "are you okay?"
"i'm..." you hesitated, "yeah."

there was a knock on the door and you held your breath. please don't be speirs. please don't. "y/l/n!" it was.
"yes sir?"
"open up." you opened the door wide, not bothering to conceal the fact you'd shared a bed with moe. you were beyond acting as though there was nothing going on, and officers were beyond the point of caring. "sir." moe saluted lazily from the bed.
"sergeant." his attention focused on you. "you alright?" speirs looked as though he'd just awoken, hair tousled and clothes messy.
"yes, sir. i'm alright."
"you're causing quite a racket there."
"yeah... i am." you shuffled nervously at the door.
"well, if sergeant alley is with you, there's no cause for worry." speirs clearly felt just as awkward as you, however you saw something flickering in his eyes you weren't used to. concern? empathy, maybe? "thank you, sir. for checking on me."
"that's my job, lieutenant." he made a move to walk off, before calling: "don't think i've forgotten about that report!"

moe grinned, watching you as you walked back towards him. "i told you. can't avoid your problems." you looked at him with such love that he felt his heart swell. patting next to him, he wrapped his arms around you as you pushed your body into his. moe felt a little guilty that he was the source of your nightmares, but he rationalised with the knowledge that every man in easy company was plagued with memories of the war, not just you. "y/n?"
you rolled over to look at him, eyes red with tears and tiredness. "yeah, moe?"
"if you ever... you... can talk to me."
"i know, moe." your hand smoothed back his hair, tracing each scar he'd received in battle. he leaned into your touch, finding it comforting and sweet. "i love you." he murmured, like he meant it.
"i love you too. so much."

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